The Socialist Party claims that Pedro Antonio Sánchez used in an "indecent" the festival of La Santa for electoral propaganda


Deputy Alfonso Martinez Bathrooms considered that it was neither the right time nor the right place to campaign

He asserts that if the president wants to help Totana you have to do is to secure funding for the City Council provides services to its neighbors

The Socialist deputy, Alfonso Martinez Bathrooms, sharply criticized the propaganda use the Popular Party made the pilgrimage to the Holy, which traditionally accompany totaneros totaneras and her employer from its sanctuary in La Santa to town .

Bathrooms accused Martinez and Pedro Antonio Sanchez People's Party "to appropriate the role that belonged to the people and his patron, and to use the most rooted tradition among neighbors and residents of Totana to make electoral propaganda of the Popular Party."

Bathrooms Martinez said it is good and necessary for the authorities and politicians accompany the people in their traditions.

"I am personally delighted that the President of the Autonomous Community or any other authority to accompany local authorities and totaneras and totaneros at their parties, but should be done with the utmost respect for the feelings and customs".

He also said he shares "the shame they have felt hundreds of totaneras and indecent use totaneros by the PP made the pilgrimage to La Santa, and Pedro Antonio Sanchez accused of not being up to the position he represents."

The Socialist deputy Pedro Antonio Sanchez said "should be very Pharisee and be very desperate to appear in Totana, accompanied by the mayor and his administration, when consistently used his position as president to criticize with extreme hardness."

In this sense, Pedro Antonio Sanchez blamed attempting economically strangle the City of Totana, forcing him to justify or reimburse the Autonomous Community before 31 December, the grant money that the previous local government squandered his party.

Bathrooms Alfonso Martinez took the opportunity to mention that through the intervention of the Socialist Group and given the PP parliamentary group in the Regional Assembly, prevented the city of Totana and other municipalities had to return to the Autonomous Region over 107 million euros they received the previous municipal government of the PP and remain to justify.

Therefore, it demanded that Pedro Antonio Sanchez "instead of coming to Totana to take the photo, come to offer fair financing several of the services provided by the city of Totana to its neighbors", among which are the social services, the residence of the elderly, day care centers, the center of attention to people with intellectual disabilities or nursery schools, among others.

Since said Socialist deputy, according to the law are the responsibility of the Autonomous Community and are obliged to finance them in full.

It also said that "the bad economic situation that has totanero consistory is the result of mismanagement 12 years of popular government and the council does not receive from the Autonomous Community funding it deserves by law."

Finally, Martinez Bathrooms, reminded Pedro Antonio Sanchez that the best way to respect the people of Totana is to invest in the Autonomous Region address the many gaps in roads, schools, health centers and other needs.

And he said that "the budget submitted by the Government of PAS in the Regional Assembly 2016 mistreats Totana, as one of the few municipalities in the region in which the Autonomous Community will not invest a single penny of euro infrastructure, "he said.

The Socialist Party claims that Pedro Antonio Sánchez used in an "indecent" the festival of La Santa for electoral propaganda, Foto 1
The Socialist Party claims that Pedro Antonio Sánchez used in an "indecent" the festival of La Santa for electoral propaganda, Foto 2

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