Citizens claimed in Totana greater transparency in institutions and support the pottery industry


Miguel Sanchez holds a meeting with officials from the platform against a power line, an issue that the parliamentary group of C's lead to Plenary Regional Assembly

Congressional candidate, Miguel Garaulet, promote a plan for the sector of pottery with a distinctive quality for products and regional totaneros

Both congressional candidate Citizens, Miguel Garaulet as regional spokesman, Miguel Sanchez, have demanded in Totana "greater transparency" in institutions and strengthening the fight against corruption and the commitment to political and democratic regeneration championed Albert Rivera.

Garaulet and Sanchez stressed the relevance of their claims "in a city that knows what it is to be marked by corruption, which ended up costing taxpayers a lot of money," adds Garaulet.

Agriculture and water also had their place at the hearing that both offered at the headquarters of Citizens, located in the central Plaza de la Balsa Vieja, which were accompanied by congressional candidates Jose Luis Martinez and Francisco Romero, as well as the mayor of the municipality training, Asensio Soler, and the regional deputy Juan Jose Molina.

Sanchez and Garaulet highlight that Citizens is the only project "able to bring water to both farmers and industries in the region need to continue to create wealth through a National Hydrological Plan and away from political criteria 'wars water'".

A PHN developed by technicians, taking into account the needs of each basin and "bring water from surplus to deficit through the interconnection between the basins," says Garaulet.

The regional spokesman, Miguel Sanchez, received members of a civic platform has so far collected more than 12,000 signatures and 6,000 allegations against the current route of a power line that would cross both municipalities from a plant in Lorca council Zarcilla Ramos.

The parliamentary group of C's in the Regional Assembly will hold a meeting with members of the platform the next day 23 and "study the alternatives for the project can continue to generate wealth without affecting the health of neighboring reports, claims and" notes parliamentary group spokesman, Miguel Sanchez.

For his part, Miguel Garaulet announces that support the development of a strategic plan to boost the sector of pottery at all levels, "from local and regional, through actions linked to the activity of the Institute of Development;

and nationally, promoting a quality brand that could go in turn associated with the Marca Spain "he explained Garaulet, who distributed electoral information along with the other candidates in the weekly market.

Citizens claimed in Totana greater transparency in institutions and support the pottery industry, Foto 1
Citizens claimed in Totana greater transparency in institutions and support the pottery industry, Foto 2
Citizens claimed in Totana greater transparency in institutions and support the pottery industry, Foto 3

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