The Social Chamber of the Supreme Court sentencing council favorable to the ERE promoted this term


Aafectaba to 35 municipal workers

The Chamber of the Superior Court of Justice (TSJ) of Murcia has ruled in favor of the city of Totana in the proceedings on the Redundancy Employment (ERE) promoted by the town in the legislature and affected a total of 35 municipal workers of various councils, the first of its kind on public administration in the Region of Murcia.

The dismissal of these public employees will result in savings of about 900,000 euros per year in the Chapter of Staff for years to come.

The causes which led at the time the redundancies were "economic, and organizational, technical and production" and were determined, he recalled HR Councilman David Amoros, "a situation of persistent budget shortfall for funding of public services ".

He reiterated that the development of collective dismissal followed "objective criteria and legal" respecting technical parameters which damaged workers as little as upcoming retirement age, antique, early retirement, among others.

The Chamber of the Supreme Court has declared "consistent with law" collective dismissal conducted by City Hall, which was entrusted to legal defense lawyer specializing in labor law, Guillermo Martinez-Abarca Ruiz-Funes.

The ERE was approved in regular full June 2012 and over the next month there was a statutory period of consultation and negotiation between the municipality and unions to complete the workforce collective dismissal, the first administration of the Region of Murcia, increasing from 130 workers to 95 current template.

This collective dismissal joined the measures taken for the staff since the beginning of this legislature intended to comply with regulations and Zero Deficit Budget Stability and Financial Sustainability (LO 2/2012, of April 27), forcing amortization also in July 2012 of 14 places over interim officials were not subject to grant, whose salaries accounted 470,000 savings per year.

Affected workers in this ERE are mostly attached to the Department of Services to the City, but also applied to some employees in the areas of Sports, Social Care and Popular Culture, respectively, among others, and led an administrative reorganization of the transverse municipal services.

Saving 2.5 million a year in staff

Amorós Councilman totaled 2.5 million euros per year total savings accruing to the municipal coffers all measures adopted to Staff in these two years and stated that Chapter I is more than 50% of the municipal budget, which from 2008 to 2012 has gone from 43 to 21 million euros.

The mayor explained the failure of the judgment of the Social Chamber of the Supreme Court comes to assume "ratification" of the measures taken by the City "pioneering and forceful, but very necessary to achieve the budget deficit and the fulfillment of the budgetary stability ".

The judgment also establishes as a fundamental point "that has been negotiated in good faith, even partial agreements, such as an improvement in the compensation of those affected, as well as creating training courses for those affected and preferred job for themselves. "

The Social Chamber of the Supreme Court sentencing council favorable to the ERE promoted this term, Foto 1

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