Totana students created the "School of Trainers" to overcome the digital divide between adults and adolescents


Young people are over this weekend correspondents youth initiative, teachers and technicians of Youth in the Region

Totana youth correspondents presented this weekend during a conference briefing the 'digital trainers School', launched with the aim of breaking the digital divide between adults and adolescents, through a process of learning which develop skills and capabilities aimed at bridge the digital divide between generations.

Valley Youth Hostel, under the Ministry of the Presidency, will be the meeting place for youth correspondents of the Region Youth technicians and teachers to move forward in some aspects of the 'digital trainers School', a result of the experience of nonformal education pioneer in the Region 'Help, I want to be digital!'.

This School is an initiative that has promoted a learning process for young people to acquire skills related to communication, teamwork, decision-making and leadership in the area of ​​new technologies.

These, in turn, teach adults to use computers and social media to break the digital divide between generations.

This initiative, the European Youth in Action program has been conducted by a group of 17 students of the Secondary Schools 'Prado Mayor' and 'Juan de la Cierva and Codorniú' Totana, with the support and collaboration national association of nonprofit Protégeles.

The Director General of Domestic Violence Prevention, Youth, Legal Protection and Juvenile Court, Veronica Lopez, said that this project "is a pioneering initiative that works with young people and from their direct involvement the subject of Internet safety. Well is encouraged reflect on their employability potential in the area of ​​new technologies and are made partakers of the debate on intergenerational learning ".

To do this, the association has trained Protégeles participants minors with information and prevention work to companies where their parents work, which facilitates intergenerational encounter.

The association sociocultural The dry, by the City of Totana Informajoven, has advised young people in a firm commitment to safe and responsible use of ICT, at the same time encouraging their entrepreneurial spirit as intergenerational trainers.


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