Totana Local Police arrested an individual for crimes of robbery with violence and intimidation


after threatening a neighbor with a gun in the neck

Totana Local Police arrested early this morning to an individual 24 years of age and resident of this town, for the crime of robbery with violence and intimidation after threatening him with a gun in the neck on the streets of Totana General Aznar.

According to police sources, a couple of local police who conducted routine surveillance work in the village, about 3:00 am, an individual was seen as an urgent signal to the agents for them to stop.

He said they had suffered a robbery in the street by a person who had stolen his wallet and other personal effects intimidated by a gun that was placed in the neck, threatening that if he gave everything he had was going up to kill.

The agents set up a device that resulted in the arrest of the alleged offender, which at the time of detention carried the wallet, watch and mobile phone was stolen minutes earlier.

The officers were aware that this individual had used a gun to the robbery did not find then in power of arrest, although it was later located behind a road sign, where he had had time to hide, to be operated by agents.

The detainee, after completing the appropriate steps, was taken to Civil Guard headquarters, being brought before the magistrate Totana Guard.


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