The Brotherhood Kiss of Judas and Jesus Traspasado informs about the novelties for this year


"As a main novelty for this Holy Week we can say that in our Brotherhood, as in many others, going out and being able to take out all the heritage that is acquired over the years and enjoy it, as if it were the first Once I saw the light of the street, it is more than a novelty.

Unfortunately not every year can be carried out large projects, but they do many things that for our brothers are important and often involve a large outlay for the coffers of the Brotherhood.

From ours and after a long year where it has not been possible to achieve everything that was intended, since it has been a very hard year, this is not why we are working and much, to ensure that we are more and more brothers, that Thanks to God is being achieved;

have a great band where all its components have worked hard to achieve their challenges, -test of this is that they have acquired several trumpets that had been demanding for some time-, a sign that is growing.

We have also been able to achieve that although not 100%, but if you are already using it, that you have inside the new store that was acquired a few years ago, in the Plaza de la Hermandad Beso de Judas, just in front of our headquarters, there was a soundproof room where they can rehearse throughout the year and without having to disturb anyone, or have to travel to other places or even on the street.

Regarding the throne and its aids, that for the current Board of Directors, which is in a process of management, that when Holy Week passes elections should be called, it is working in a special way to consolidate what last year consisted in a test process, which all the aids are connected through a pair of ear rings, and in turn connected to a speaker who is dictating each and every step that makes the throne can move harmoniously and coordinated, with the songs that the Band plays.

Which was very interesting and successful decision in the Holy Week last year, along with the correct measurement of all aid, which was also an experiment last year that all the aids carry the same type of shoe, from its measurement in the trials as in procession and thus avoid the surprises of accumulated overloads of some on others.

And finally and as a main novelty for this year, on the night of Holy Friday, all the members of the band will parade with the black totanera tunic, and with the sash of the brotherhood, in blue-white, just as it waves in the Plaza del Ayuntamiento from a few days ago along with the rest of the brotherhoods that we took possession of in the processions of Totana .

I have nothing left but as Acting President of the Brotherhood Kiss of Judas and Jesus Pierced, to wish all the totanero and all who visit us during these days to enjoy the Sacred Mysteries of the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ with Faith, love and hope as Nazarenes and brothers taught us by our father.

Happy Easter 2018 "

Damián Sánchez Martínez, Acting President of the Brotherhood Kiss of Judas and Jesus Pierced

The Brotherhood Kiss of Judas and Jesus Traspasado informs about the novelties for this year, Foto 1

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