Ganar Totana proposes enabling a Bike Lane from the urban area to the polygon


"We would be able to facilitate travel and safety, accompanied by a contribution to sustainability and the Environment or the reduction of the carbon footprint and we would be responding to requests from the youth population, which demand more traffic-free routes"

The communication between the Industrial Estate and the Urban Center of Totana, in terms of safety, is clearly improved by the characteristics of the Northern Variant, such as fast track and few hard shoulders.

Traveling by bicycle, in addition to having a long journey, poses a risk for the workers who provide their services in the companies located in the "Saladar".

We understand it would have an Added Value for our industrial estate, Enable a route from the urban center that did not have to be used neither the National 340 nor the North Variant.

A cycle track or bike lane in which the absolute preference was the circulation of bicycles or walking.

In addition, we would be able to facilitate travel and safety, accompanied by a contribution to sustainability and the Environment or the reduction of the carbon footprint and we would be responding to requests from the youth population, which demand more traffic-free routes.

We are convinced that the endowment of this route would give an attraction to the displacements by bike or walking with total safety and low risks.

The itinerary that we propose would begin in the Path of the New Vegetable Gardens, linking with the Vía Pecuaria or the road from the Tirol neighborhood to the Rambla de los Arcos, by the Puente de la Vía del Ferrocarril and, once past, turn 180 degrees. to the Service road that runs next to RM-502 (North Variant).

It would have an approximate length of 2.5 kilometers and would run along rural roads of public use of the first order and a part, by Vía Pecuaria.

The cost would be insignificant for the benefit of its implementation.

We consider as a previous step, carry out a detailed study or project by the technicians that include the permits to apply to ADIF (Bridge on the Railroad) and Autonomous Community (Way of Service of the Variant), together with budgets of signaling, lighting, cleaning and the necessary maintenance to give viability to this interesting route, endowed with the necessary for its use as Via Ciclable, connecting the urban area with the Industrial Estate.

Ganar Totana proposes enabling a Bike Lane from the urban area to the polygon, Foto 1

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