A neighborhood consultation is promoted to know the popular feeling about the day of celebration of the rise of La Santa in pilgrimage for the year 2020


The consultation will take place during the second half of April in eight different spaces and with a broad schedule to facilitate citizen participation

The Board of the La Santa de Totana Foundation, in collaboration with the City Council of this city, will promote a neighborhood consultation in order to know the popular feeling about the day of celebration of the rise of Santa Eulalia, Patron of this town, in pilgrimage for the year 2020.

The mayor, Andrés García, and the parish priest of Santiago and current president of the La Santa Foundation, Francisco José Fernández, have offered a press conference to present the details of this consultative and participatory process, which is not binding and will be carried out face-to-face through the organization of several voting days during the second half of April.

The procedure will have the technical guidance of the municipal technicians of the Department of Citizen Participation;

and in this may participate residents and residents over 16 years registered in the municipality of Totana before April 14, 2018.

During the voting days, which will be held during several weekends of the month of April, three ballots will be made available to the neighbors with the following alternatives: pilgrimage on January 7, pilgrimage Saturday after the day of Kings and vote on White.

Participants can only participate by choosing one of the proposed options, so that to carry out the voting will be necessary to present the current identification, in this case, DNI or NIE.

In addition, the identification data of voters will be verified with the work in the municipal register - which will be guarded at all times by the municipal technicians who will watch over the process -, avoiding duplications in the voting and allowing acceptable levels of reliability in said consultation.

As it has been established in the bases of the process, the envelopes in which two votes are included, broken or written votes will be considered null.

The voting days will be held on Saturday, April 14 (hermitage of San Roque, from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm), on Sunday, April 15 (Sanctuary of La Santa, from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm), Tuesday, April 17 (IES "Prado Mayor, from 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 a.m.), Wednesday, April 18 (IES" Juan de la Cierva ", from 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 a.m.), Saturday, April 21 ( Parish Our Lady of the Rosary Paretón-Cantareros, from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.), Sunday, April 22 (Parish Three Hail Marys, from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.), Saturday, April 28 (Hermitage of San José; from 5:00 pm to 7:00 p.m.) and Sunday, April 29 (Church of Santiago Apóstol, from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.).

Once all the scheduled voting days have been held, on Sunday, April 29, the final vote count will be carried out in the afternoon, and the report will be issued with the results of the neighborhood consultation.

In any case, for the year 2019 the pilgrimage of rise of Santa Eulalia will be held on January 7 to be this national holiday.

People who have doubts can request more information through the Board of La Santa or the Department of Citizen Participation of the City of Totana.

Precisely, this year, the Board of La Santa Foundation and the City of Totana, to encourage greater participation, decided to move the pilgrimage to Saturday January 13, the first Saturday after the feast of Kings, which opened a public debate to respect.

A neighborhood consultation is promoted to know the popular feeling about the day of celebration of the rise of La Santa in pilgrimage for the year 2020, Foto 1
A neighborhood consultation is promoted to know the popular feeling about the day of celebration of the rise of La Santa in pilgrimage for the year 2020, Foto 2

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