The PSOE achieved unanimity of the Assembly for the Holy of Totana Week is declared of National Tourist Interest


Deputy Alfonso Martínez Baños welcomed and highlighted the uniqueness, originality and values ​​of this rooted tradition of totanero people

The deputy of the Socialist Group, Alfonso Martínez Baños has made this morning in the Committee on Industry, Labor, Commerce and Tourism unanimous support from all groups of the Regional Assembly in its motion for Easter Totana is declared as a Festival National Tourist Interest.

Martinez Bathrooms welcomed and highlighted the great tradition that has this festival, with over 400 years of Nazarene tradition, more than four centuries "coddling and caring with special care your Easter and betting on a very personal style to express their beliefs and traditions that make it unique and give it personality and meaning. "

The deputy recalled that the brotherhoods of the municipality of Totana have been making for many years, "an excellent job during the days of Easter to look at its best the processions";

parades to help promote the name of Totana in Murcia and Spain, while contributing to the growth and professionalism of the hospitality and tourism industry, an important part for the economic progress of the municipality. "

The Socialist deputy in his speech made a review in depth of the roots and history of totanero people and the historical evolution of the festival over the years to "facilitate understanding of the roots of these celebrations in the city of Totana, where throughout Passion Week a mixture of emotions, experiences and where one can enjoy a rich cultural and musical heritage that confer uniqueness, originality and values ​​"live.

The PSOE achieved unanimity of the Assembly for the Holy of Totana Week is declared of National Tourist Interest, Foto 1

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