[17 admitted and 2 excluded in the employment exchange for journalists, through the competition-opposition system, of the Totana City Council


Having approved by Decree of the Mayor's Office dated December 22, 2020, the provisional list of admitted and excluded for the creation of a job bank for journalists, through a competition-opposition system, the list of admitted and excluded is made public.

In total there are 17 admitted and 2 excluded. The reason for the exclusion of one of them is the non-presentation of the participation form in the time and form established in accordance with the third base of those that govern the call, while the other is that it does not comply with the Second base 2 b) Being in Possession of a degree in information sciences, a degree in journalism, a graduate in audiovisual communication or a graduate in advertising, or to be in a position to obtain it, on the date the deadline for submitting instances ends. The first exercise will begin on January 26, 2021, at 9 a.m., at the Totana Local Development Center, located in Polígono Industrial El Saladar, Calle Huertos Nuevos, 5, 30850 Totana, Murcia, having to carry the applicants the identification documentation. The definitive list of admitted and excluded applicants can be consulted at the Totana City Council website.

   [17 admitted and 2 excluded in the employment exchange for journalists, through the competition-opposition system, of the Totana City Council, Foto 1

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