[Project Based Learning (ABP) and / or Challenges (ABR)


| Professors from the IES Juan de la Cierva and Codorn�u carry out a telematic training seminar on Project Based Learning (ABP) and / or in Challenges (ABR) | Last Thursday, January 14, a group of 30 professors from the IES Juan de la Cierva y Codorn�u, belonging to 11 different didactic departments, began a telematic training seminar about Project-Based Learning (ABP ) and / or Challenges (ABR), methodologies with which it is intended to promote a more efficient learning of students, linking the knowledge acquired from different subjects to the real world directly through a common project.

¿½n, as well as developing cooperative work strategies both between students and teachers.

This training is supported by the Center for Teachers and Resources of the Region of Murcia and entails a training period of 10 weeks, in which different experts in the field explain how to carry out the design.

oy define the methodology of a common work project to apply with different groups of students and their teachers.

Normally this training would be carried out in person at the center, but in the current times of pandemic, it is taking place online once a week, on Thursday afternoons.

Within the training period from January to March, it is intended to be able to specify the design of the project and launch the first initiatives with the students that allow the results of the work to be shown in the coming months of May and June.

In addition, this training is part of one of the Erasmus + programs that the center is currently developing, which is entitled "Don't abandon me, count on me" and which aims to reverse and reduce the index dropout of students through active methodologies such as ABP, ABR, gamification, CLIL and Flipped Classroom, among others.

Finally, it should be mentioned that the teaching staff of the IES Juan de la Cierva y Codorn�u has always maintained great interest and concern for innovation and educational improvement, through different eTwinning projects, projects Erasmus + and educational innovation projects carried out in recent years, as well as for the didactic and methodological updating of their work with training proposals such as the one currently being developed on PBL.

   [Project Based Learning (ABP) and / or Challenges (ABR), Foto 1
   [Project Based Learning (ABP) and / or Challenges (ABR), Foto 2

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