["Reflections and wishes to start 2021"


| Juan Jos C novas.

Mayor of Totana | Starting a new year is like opening a path in which we will find many difficulties to overcome or try to achieve dreams and pending goals.

Life doesn't change much from one day to the next.

Only the general good wishes that today are much more intense due to the balance of a fateful year that is leaving. But whether this new stage in our lives is better or worse depends, in a very important part, on us.

Of our attitude and commitment in the daytime.

2020 has left us sad and bitter moments as we have known in our life.

But we must also extract positive experiences in adversity: Collectives that have given and continue to give everything for society. Beautiful gestures of Solidarity, Fraternity or Positive Attitudes in the worst moments of the Pandemic. The need for workers who seemed expendable or reviled in modern society has been demonstrated. Infinity of moments that excite us to remember them and we will never forget ... We have also brought out the worst in ourselves with negative attitudes (most of the time without malicious intent). Intolerances absurd searches of culprits when the culprit was and is the virus and the circumstances that give rise to the Pandemic and its consequences, such as cuts, social, health or the deterioration of the environment. A minority that has taken advantage of and takes advantage of these situations to make themselves see, with absurd theories, "deny Science" or "try to get revenue from a Pandemic" regardless of what really interests the population that It is the Unity of All to overcome it. This new time, which begins today, will be better or worse depending on some factors that may escape our human capacity.

But I have no doubt that our attitude or positive contribution will be decisive to "overcome and take flight" in pursuit of our dreams and pending goals that had to be parked in 2020. Always for the sake of improving the lives of the people around us in a Global Village that is the world.

Our life and that of those close to us that we love and share the day.

Work for that locally, thinking globally, because we are all necessary in that task. We have also lost many beloved people in 2020.

In most cases, it is the Law of Life, added to the immense sadness of not having been able to say goodbye to friends or family who left us as our own.

Healthy Custom of honoring the dead with our presence. In these objectives of this new time, as a fundamental issue is Health.

Without health we are nobody and we have nothing.

Advances in science and vaccines must be accompanied by attitudes, such as RESPONSIBILITY, TOLERANCE, SOLIDARITY, COMMITMENT OR POSITIVE ATTITUDES IN ADVERSITY.

I would say that much better than medicine or vaccines are the development of those positive values. My best wishes and my recognition to the people and groups that have been, are and will be in those goals.

Without fainting and always forward.

No matter ideas, religions, place of birth or other circumstances that should make us strong in diversity. HAPPY 2021 AND MY BEST WISHES FOR YOU, YOUR FAMILIES AND THE PEOPLE YOU LOVE. Juan Jos C novas.

Mayor of Totana

  [Reflections and wishes to start 2021, Foto 1

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