The BORM publishes the specific and temporary measures for public health reasons to contain the outbreak of COVID-19 that appeared in Totana


Order of September 28, 2020 from the Ministry of Health, by which specific and temporary measures are adopted for reasons of public health to contain the outbreak of COVID-19 that appeared in the municipality of Totana.Within the framework of the management of the health crisis caused by COVID-19, the regional Administration has adopted numerous measures in order to face the transmission of COVID-19 and its health care, the determination of which has been the result of a dynamic process in the evolution of a set of factors and indicators.These measures are basically included in the Agreement of June 19, 2020, of the Governing Council that approved the prevention and containment measures applicable in the Region of Murcia to face the health crisis situation caused by COVID-19, after the end of the state of alarm and for the reactivation phase (modified on two occasions) and in the Order of August 15, 2020, of the Ministry of Health, by which extraordinary measures are adopted in the Region of Murcia, for the application and execution of the Agreement of the Interterritorial Council of the National Health System on the declaration of coordinated actions in Public Health to respond to the situation of special risk derived from the increase in positive cases due to COVID-19.Likewise, on September 3, 2020, the Order of the Ministry of Health was approved, adopting additional measures of an exceptional and temporary nature, to face the unfavorable evolution of the COVID-19 epidemic that occurred in recent days in the Region of Murcia.These instruments contain very diverse measures, fundamentally restrictive in nature and aimed at the same purpose: to fight against the transmission of the disease and its effects on people and to protect public health.Due to their very nature and purpose, they are temporary measures, since their determination and modification is subordinate to the regional and national epidemiological evolution, as well as the advancement of scientific knowledge about the disease and the economic and material resources available.For this reason, the third additional provision of Decree-Law 7/2020, of June 18, on measures to stimulate and reactivate the regional economy due to the health crisis (COVID-19), enabled the head of the Ministry competent in health matters, as a health authority, to modulate or modify, in accordance with the applicable regulations and in view of the evolution of the health situation, by means of an Order, the general hygiene and prevention measures and those related to capacity and number maximum number of people allowed for each type of establishment, facility or activity, approved by agreement of the Governing Council.You are also empowered in this Provision to adopt those measures additional or complementary to those provided for in said agreement that it is necessary to implement, temporarily and for as long as necessary, such as perimeter confinements, isolations, quarantines, restrictions on the collective mobility, general suspension of activities, closure or closure of facilities, applicable to specific sectors of activity or for specific territorial areas in the event of localized outbreaks.This authorization to the Minister of Health has materialized in the issuance of various orders aimed at containing the transmission of COVID-19, through the adoption of measures directed in some cases to the entire population of the Region of Murcia, and in others, to the population of certain territorial areas of the same that present outbreaks or rates of contagion especially worrying.In particular, by Order of July 23, 2020, very restrictive measures were adopted for the municipality of Totana, given the evidence of the alarming increase in infections in it as a result of an outbreak originating in the field of nightlife.

Said measures, which included the restriction of the free entry and exit of persons from the territorial scope of said municipality, were established for a period of seven days and extended on various occasions, finally being lifted before the containment of the outbreak that had originated their adoption.These measures, which were judicially ratified by order of the Investigating Court no.

3 of Murcia dated July 23, 2020, were revealed as adequate and effective for the control of the epidemic in this municipality, going on those dates from an accumulated incidence rate of 403 cases / 100,000 inhabitants to that of 96.9 cases / 100,000 inhabitants only three weeks later.Similarly, by Order of September 3, 2020, similar measures were adopted for the Archivel district, in the municipality of Caravaca.

The same measure was subsequently adopted, by Order of September 11, 2020, for the municipality of Jumilla, and for the municipality of Lorca, by Order of September 14, 2020.

The cited orders were judicially ratified, in accordance with the provisions in Law 29/1998, of July 13, regulating the Contentious Administrative Jurisdiction, and they have been subject to various extensions.Likewise, by Order of September 22, 2020 from the Ministry of Health, specific temporary restriction measures and recommendations are adopted for the containment of COVID-19 in various municipalities of the Region of Murcia, including the municipality of Totana.

These measures imply a restriction to forty percent of the capacity of the hotel and restaurant establishments, as well as the setting of a forced closing time for food and beverage outlets from 10 p.m.

to 6 a.m.

and a series of recommendations for the population .However, the epidemiological situation of the municipality of Totana, shown in the report of the competent services of the General Directorate of Public Health and Addictions of September 28, 2020, makes it necessary to urgently intensify the containment measures in the municipality of Totana.

Thus, this report shows that the epidemiological data for the last two weeks, with an increase of 80 and 30% respectively, with a current incidence of 1,156 cases / 100,000 inhabitants and a total of 370 cases (1, 2% of the population of Totana) place the municipality in a particularly complicated situation.

Given this evolution, the strategy of selective measures adopted is not enough, with actions such as screening the most affected sectors and controlling isolations and quarantines,more restrictive containment measures must be adopted.These containment measures, of a temporary nature and with a forecast of validity limited to the time strictly necessary to contain the detected outbreak, imply the restriction of the entry and exit of people from the territorial scope of the municipality, the suspension of the activity of hospitality services and restoration inside premises and the reduction of capacity in the rest of the activities regulated in section II of the annex to the Agreement of June 19 and not suspended.In accordance with the provisions of article 11.1 of the Statute of Autonomy, approved by Organic Law 4/1982, of June 9, the Region of Murcia has the competence of legislative development and enforcement in matters of health, hygiene, pharmaceutical management and hospital coordination in general, including that of Social Security, without prejudice to the provisions of number 16 of article 149.1 of the Constitution, with the Ministry of Health being the department of the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia in charge of the proposal, development and execution of the general guidelines of the Governing Council in the aforementioned matters, by virtue of article 11 of the President's Decree 29/2019, of July 31, on the reorganization of the Regional Administration.By virtue of this, in use of the powers conferred by the third additional provision of Decree-Law 7/2020, of June 18, on measures to stimulate and reactivate the regional economy due to the health crisis (COVID-19), at the proposal of the Director General of Public Health and AddictionsI have:Article 1.

Purpose.It is the object of this order to establish the set of temporary exceptional and urgent measures to face the unfavorable evolution of the COVID-19 epidemic that has occurred in recent days in the municipality of Totana.Article 2.

Applicable regulations.2.1.

In general, the prevention measures applicable to the different sectors in the municipality of Totana will be those contained in the Agreement of June 19, 2020 of the Governing Council regarding the prevention and containment measures applicable in the Region of Murcia to address the health crisis situation caused by COVID-19, after the end of the state of alarm and for the reactivation phase, in the Order of August 15, 2020, of the Ministry of Health, by which extraordinary measures are adopted in the Region of Murcia, for the application and execution of the Agreement of the Interterritorial Council of the National Health System on the declaration of coordinated actions in Public Health to respond to the situation of special risk derived from the increase in positive cases due to COVID-19,and in the Order of September 3, 2020, of the Ministry of Health, by which additional measures are adopted of an exceptional and temporary nature, to face the unfavorable evolution of the COVID-19 epidemic that occurred in recent days in the Region of Murcia.Notwithstanding the foregoing, such measures shall be subject to and conditioned to the application of the specific restrictions provided in the following articles.2.2.

Likewise, the Order of September 22, 2020 from the Ministry of Health will be applicable to the municipality of Totana, by which specific temporary restriction measures and recommendations are adopted for the containment of COVID-19 in various municipalities of the Region of Murcia, in everything that is not opposed to this order.Article 3.

Measures of restriction of the freedom of movement of persons.3.1.

The free entry and exit of persons from the territorial scope of the municipality affected by this order is restricted from the moment of its official publication.3.2.

No obstante lo anterior, se permitirán aquellos desplazamientos, adecuadamente justificados, que se produzcan por alguno de los siguientes motivos:- Asistencia a centros, servicios y establecimientos sanitarios.- Cumplimiento de obligaciones laborales, profesionales o empresariales.- Asistencia a centros docentes y educativos de cualquier nivel, excepto en aquellos casos en que se haya acordado por la autoridad competente la educación no presencial.- Asistencia o realización de actuaciones urgentes o requeridas ante las administraciones públicas, órganos judiciales o notariales.- Retorno al lugar de residencia habitual.- Asistencia y cuidado a mayores, menores, dependientes, personas con discapacidad o personas especialmente vulnerables.- Por causa de fuerza mayor o situación de necesidad.- Cualquier otra actividad de análoga naturaleza.3.3.

La circulación por carreteras y viales que transcurran o atraviesen el territorio del municipio de Totana estará permitida, siempre y cuando tenga origen y destino fuera del mismo.3.4.

Se permite la circulación de personas residentes dentro del municipio de Totana, si bien se desaconseja a la población, y especialmente a las personas que por su edad u otras circunstancias, se encuentren en situación de especial vulnerabilidad frente al COVID-19, los desplazamientos y realización de actividades no imprescindibles.Artículo 4.

Medidas específicas aplicables a los sectores de actividad regulados en el Apartado II del anexo del Acuerdo de 19 de junio de 2020, de Consejo de Gobierno.4.1.

En el municipio de Totana se suspende la aplicación de las medidas específicas de contención y aforo aplicables a cada sector, previstas en el Apartado II del citado anexo del Acuerdo de 19 de junio de 2020 del Consejo de Gobierno y en las Órdenes de 15 de agosto y 3 de septiembre de 2020 de la Consejería de Salud, en todo lo que se oponga a lo dispuesto en el presente artículo.4.2.

Queda suspendida en el interior de los locales la actividad de hostelería, restauración, la prestación del servicio de comidas y bebidas de cualquier tipo de establecimientos y la actividad de los locales de juego y apuestas, pudiendo desarrollarse estas actividades únicamente en terrazas o espacios abiertos al aire libre.4.3.

Con carácter general, la ocupación máxima permitida en el interior de los establecimientos, locales o instalaciones regulados en el citado Apartado II, y cuya actividad no esté suspendida, se fija en un cincuenta por ciento de su aforo.Artículo 5.

Aplicación de las medidas adoptadas.5.1 Los ciudadanos deberán colaborar activamente en el cumplimiento de las medidas previstas en esta Orden.5.2.

En todo caso, los incumplimientos individualizados de lo dispuesto en la presente orden podrán constituir infracción administrativa de conformidad con lo dispuesto en el Decreto Ley 8/2020, de 16 de julio, por el que se establece el régimen sancionador por el incumplimiento de las medidas de prevención y contención aplicables en la Región de Murcia para afrontar la situación de crisis sanitaria ocasionada por el COVID-19 y demás normativa aplicable.

Las fuerzas y cuerpos de seguridad darán traslado de las denuncias que formulen por el incumplimiento de las medidas de prevención a las autoridades competentes.Artículo 6.

Vigilancia y control de las medidas adoptadas.

Cooperación y colaboración entre Administraciones Públicas.6.1 La vigilancia, inspección y control del cumplimiento de las medidas de restricción y prevención recogidas en esta Orden corresponderá a las autoridades estatales, autonómicas y locales competentes, según el régimen de distribución competencial previsto en la normativa aplicable.6.2 Se dará traslado de la presente Orden a la Delegación del Gobierno, al Ayuntamiento de Totana y a los ayuntamientos limítrofes, a los efectos de recabar su cooperación y colaboración, en su caso, a través de los cuerpos y fuerzas de seguridad, para el control y aplicación de las medidas adoptadas.Artículo 7.

Ratificación judicial.Por el conducto reglamentario adecuado se solicitará, asimismo, la ratificación judicial de las medidas contempladas, de conformidad a lo dispuesto en el artículo 10.8 de la Ley 29/1998, de 13 de julio, reguladora de la Jurisdicción Contencioso Administrativa.Artículo 8.

Eficacia.La presente Orden entrará en vigor el mismo día de su publicación en el Boletín Oficial de la Región de Murcia, y tendrá una vigencia inicial de siete días naturales, a contar desde las 00:00 horas del día de su publicación.Esta vigencia podrá ser prorrogada si así lo requiere la evolución de la situación epidemiológica.Murcia, 28 de septiembre de 2020.

El Consejero de Salud, Manuel Villegas García.

The BORM publishes the specific and temporary measures for public health reasons to contain the outbreak of COVID-19 that appeared in Totana, Foto 1

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