This Friday the registration period for the Music School of the Musical Group of Totana ends for the 2020/21 academic year


| The registration hours will be from 11:00 to 14:00 and from 17:00 to 20:00 hours, Monday to Friday | The Department of Culture of the Totana City Council recalls that this Friday, September 25, the registration period for the "Ceferino Ayala" Music School of the Totana Musical Group ends for the 2020/2 academic year.The enrollment period opened last September; and the hours are from 11:00 a.m.

to 2:00 p.m.

and from 5:00 p.m.

to 8:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.From the Musical Group of Totana they want to transmit security for the training of students, taking all the necessary measures to comply with all hygienic-sanitary protocols, with structural measures in group classes (duration of one hour) in order that students do not coincide in open spaces.Thus, protocols are established for the subjects of the collective and individual classes, respectively.

In the first case, students will be split to reduce the ratios to less than 10 students.

In addition, ventilation and disinfection of classrooms will be carried out between classes for 15 minutes.It also establishes the mandatory temperature measurement of students and coordination in the entry and exit of students from classes, as well as telematic communication for informational matters with parents and students.The training offer includes the activity "La Caracola de Tomasino" for children from 1 to 4 years old for their early musical stimulation and child cognitive development (Centro Social Olímpico-Las Peras), on Saturdays with three different schedules.The Musical Language for Adults taught by Jesús Martínez will be on Monday and Wednesday, and Tuesday and Thursday, for different levels.

New subjects are taught such as "The Piano Adventure", Rosalía Parra's original and playful idea, for children from 4 years old.

He also continues the Choral Singing subject, which is the second year that he has joined the training offer.The subjects of traditional individual instruments (wind, string and percussion) - together with the new accordion and singing - will be structured so that sanitary measures are carried out safely: mandatory masks, safety distances between student and teacher, screens of security, cleaning of materials and ventilation of the classrooms.As for group classes, in the course of teaching, values ??are traditionally prioritized before musical knowledge; However, circumstances require this year to encourage health and hygiene measures before musical education.Parents should wait downstairs and the teacher will be in charge of looking for it and leaving it with the person who picks it up.

The collective classes will have a time difference of 15 minutes to avoid concentrations of people.In addition, a contingency plan is established for the Conservatories of the Region of Murcia, which is established by the Ministry of Education.

In the event that in a moment the classes stop being face-to-face and return to being online, a series of measures are planned to continue with digital teaching methods.

This Friday the registration period for the Music School of the Musical Group of Totana ends for the 2020/21 academic year, Foto 1
This Friday the registration period for the Music School of the Musical Group of Totana ends for the 2020/21 academic year, Foto 2
This Friday the registration period for the Music School of the Musical Group of Totana ends for the 2020/21 academic year, Foto 4
This Friday the registration period for the Music School of the Musical Group of Totana ends for the 2020/21 academic year, Foto 5

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