The City Council wants to modify the Municipal Ordinance to authorize the exercise of the activity of terraces from 7:00 am all year round


The Totana City Council wants to modify the Municipal Regulatory Ordinance of the Installation of Hospitality Terraces on Public Highways in order to authorize the exercise of the terrace activity from 7:00 a.m.

during 365 days a year, due to circumstances extraordinary events generated by the COVID-19 pandemic.The municipal plenary session has to initially approve the modification of the wording of section 1 of article 5 of said Municipal Ordinance with regard to the hours of operation of the terraces in the hospitality sector.In this way, a public information period would be opened for a period of 30 days so that the interested parties can present the claims and suggestions they deem appropriate.The measure aims to facilitate the work and work carried out by hotel establishments in order to minimize, as far as possible, the negative effects of sanitary measures that have occurred in the hotel and restaurant sector as a result of this pandemic .

The City Council wants to modify the Municipal Ordinance to authorize the exercise of the activity of terraces from 7:00 am all year round, Foto 1
The City Council wants to modify the Municipal Ordinance to authorize the exercise of the activity of terraces from 7:00 am all year round, Foto 2

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