The mayor works with the Ministry of Finance and the FEMP so that the City Council obtains financial resources to reactivate the local economy


The mayor, Juan José Cánovas, has been working for weeks with the Ministry of Finance and the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FEMP) so that the Totana City Council has economic resources that allow the municipal economic and financial situation to be accommodated within future measures aimed at reactivating the local economy and giving the necessary boost to infrastructures.The councilor has maintained procedures, both with telephone conversations and face-to-face meetings, in order to know the possibility of using the Treasury Surplus for general expenses resulting from the liquidation of fiscal year 2019 based on the possibilities included in the recently approved Royal Decree -Law 27/2020, of August 4, on financial measures, of an extraordinary and urgent nature, applicable to local entities.The intention of the City Council was to use the surplus of almost 2 million euros in the 2020 budget and expedite aid for the productive sectors of the municipality most affected by the effects of COVID-19 and to comply with the full agreements on measures without budgetary allocation .The mayor has expressed his satisfaction and has been hopeful at the recent announcement by the Ministry of Finance to promote in the coming weeks a new Royal Decree-law so that Local Entities have more resources and a greater budget margin with which to face the current crisis caused by the pandemic.Juan José Cánovas has affirmed that the Government of Spain must be aware that the economic and social reconstruction of the country is for the municipalities and city councils as an administration closer to the citizens; Therefore, he has insisted on the need for urgent liquidity and financial relief measures for the consistories in order to guarantee the maintenance of quality public services, especially after the lack of consensus and the problems of not supporting Congress of the Deputies the measures relative to the remaining treasury.The first mayor of Totanero has advocated for measures that make it possible to alleviate the situation of the municipalities in the worst economic and financial situation, as is the case of Totana, and thus that local entities at financial risk can pay their debts to Public Administrations with resources from the Management Fund, as well as paying off debts from the Fund for Financing Payments to Suppliers through loans with credit institutions.Cánovas has been optimistic with the progress of the City Council and the benefits that may affect Totana in this matter in the event that the Ministry of Finance executes said plan, since it will allow the payment plans to suppliers to be made effective, comply with the adjustment plans , use the 2019 surplus to compensate for the fall in income and the suspension of the spending rule for 2020, among others.

The mayor works with the Ministry of Finance and the FEMP so that the City Council obtains financial resources to reactivate the local economy, Foto 1

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