The Department of Equality promotes a campaign to prevent sexual violence against women


| Within the framework of the State Pact against Gender Violence | The Department of Equality is going to promote, from today, the campaign for the prevention of sexual violence against women entitled “Don't even think about it!”, Within the framework of the State Pact against Gender Violence promoted by the Government from Spain; and that includes several visibility and citizen awareness actions.The councilor of the branch, Javier Baños, presented this initiative that has had a budget of 21,695.99 euros; which has been destined to cover several fundamental needs, of which half the budget has been destined to reinforce assistance to victims of gender violence in this municipality.The granting of this subsidy has allowed the incorporation of the Local Police to the VIOGEN program for monitoring victims of gender violence with a protection order, in coordination with the Totana Civil Guard.In addition, workshops have been held on the prevention of gender violence to prevent violent behavior of young people in the affective-sexual sphere, which have been given in Secondary Education centers, and which have covered the 1st to 4th year of the ESO, respectively.Visibility and prevention actions have also been developed for all forms of sexual violence in Totana; given that in this municipality the professionals of the CAVI, health and educational centers and the third sector detect and attend to cases in this regard.The mayor recalled that sexual violence is a form of gender violence that threatens the freedom of women; and ranges from harassment, such as non-consensual touching or sexual advances, to abuse and assault through the use of violence or intimidation to achieve sexual contact.Javier Baños pointed out that rape is the most serious form of attack on a woman's sexual freedom but not the only one and all of them can be committed by couples, ex-partners or third parties.For this reason, in terms of awareness, the Department launches this campaign to make visible and prevent the different forms of sexual violence against women, reinforcing their position as a free human being, with a clear message addressed to the aggressor: happen to you! ”.The campaign will be disseminated through different communication formats, such as adhesive vinyls on buses that circulate in the municipality, and the placement of a canvas with one of the corporate designs on the main facade of the Municipal Center for the Elderly, in the square Old Raft.Likewise, corporate images will be placed on the main canopies of the Totana, El Paretón and Aledo bus stops; and masks will be distributed with the slogan of the campaign, especially among workers in municipal agencies and professionals from agencies and institutions that collaborate with this municipal department.Likewise, small pocket notebooks and pen-drive have been produced as material to be distributed in future training sessions and workshops to raise awareness and prevent gender violence.These workshops have normally been given by CAVI professionals and aimed at different profiles of the population, both men and women.The Councilor for Equality has explained that we must not forget that sexual violence is sexist violence; the need for dominance, control and power over the other person is the main force that fuels sexual violence against women; and from the administrations we must continue in the fight to eradicate it from society.

The Department of Equality promotes a campaign to prevent sexual violence against women, Foto 1
The Department of Equality promotes a campaign to prevent sexual violence against women, Foto 2
The Department of Equality promotes a campaign to prevent sexual violence against women, Foto 3

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