Rosa Giménez Collazos, of the Municipal Group VOX, takes possession of the act of councilor of the Municipal Corporation; replacing its previous spokesperson


Rosa Giménez Collazos took possession last night of her act of councilor in the Municipal Corporation of the Totana City Council, replacing the former spokesperson of the Municipal VOX Group in the Totana City Council, María Dolores García Martínez, who presented her resignation for “her own and health ”in the middle of last July.The new mayor of the Municipal VOX Group took office at the beginning of the session of the extraordinary plenary session that was held yesterday, and in which other relevant economic matters for the general interest were also addressed.Jiménez Collazos was ranked number 5 in the VOX candidacy in the last municipal elections; She is 65 years old and married with three children; dedicating practically her entire professional life to the hospitality industry.Thus, it is incorporated into public activity in the current legislature after VOX was presented, also for the first time, to the municipal elections in Totana.The municipal group VOX obtained two councilors in the municipal Corporation, in such a way that it will accompany the already mayor Javier Clemente Sánchez Mulero.In this legislature, Andrés García Cánovas, -August 2019-, former mayor of Totana, has already left his act as councilor; who was replaced in the Municipal Corporation by Pedro Antonio Megal Ruiz.Currently, the Totanera Municipal Corporation is made up of 6 Ganar Totana-IU councilors, 6 PP, 5 PSOE, 2 VOX and 2 Mixed Group (1 Now Totana Platform and 1 Citizens).

Rosa Giménez Collazos, of the Municipal Group VOX, takes possession of the act of councilor of the Municipal Corporation; replacing its previous spokesperson, Foto 1
Rosa Giménez Collazos, of the Municipal Group VOX, takes possession of the act of councilor of the Municipal Corporation; replacing its previous spokesperson, Foto 2
Rosa Giménez Collazos, of the Municipal Group VOX, takes possession of the act of councilor of the Municipal Corporation; replacing its previous spokesperson, Foto 3
Rosa Giménez Collazos, of the Municipal Group VOX, takes possession of the act of councilor of the Municipal Corporation; replacing its previous spokesperson, Foto 4

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