The PP denounces that the mayor leaves merchants and hoteliers "thrown away" by not including in the full aid for these sectors


| And thus face their delicate socio-economic situation | The PP requested the holding of an extraordinary and urgent plenary session to address the insecurity suffered by residents and to adopt urgent measures with which to address and alleviate the critical scenario of the productive sectors as a consequence of the return of our municipality to phase 1 on July 23rd.The Mayor convenes an urgent plenary session, but to approve the 2020 budgets a year late, showing once again his inability to manage and his lack of a roadmap.On August 5, the Popular Party of Totana urged the Mayor to convene an Extraordinary and Urgent Plenary to adopt the necessary measures and direct aid urgently in order to face and alleviate the economic and social situation as a result of the return to phase 1 on July 23, in addition to addressing actions to combat the insecurity that the residents of our municipality are suffering.After more than a month of requesting the PP, the Mayor calls an extraordinary and urgent plenary session to approve the 2020 budgets, not including the proposals that asked for greater security for residents and the implementation of concrete measures to support merchants and hoteliers affected by the covid-19 crisis and especially by the situation Totana experienced as of July 23, which kept the municipality in phase 1 for three weeks.The mayor has wanted to divert the attention of the rest of the opposition groups with the celebration of an extraordinary and urgent plenary session for the approval of the 2020 budget, a budget that arrives late and exhausted, making no sense of the urgency of being approved since one year arrives late and shows the lack of foresight and roadmap of this government team.The 2020 budget should have been approved in October of last year to take effect in January 2020, therefore, the Mayor has been working late on budgets that he wants to approve their processing now in September and that would come into effect for November of this year, when everything is spent, more than 90 percent and there is no room for maneuver.From the PP a series of motions were registered to be able to promote consumption in both commerce and hospitality, both sectors were dragged into a total crisis due to the situation that has occurred and that has been dragging on since last March 14 when the State of alarm.The Popular Party of Totana put forward the following proposals:Carry out safe consumption campaigns in the commerce and hospitality industry of Totana, in addition to making an institutional recognition of commerce and hospitality, which are fundamental and necessary sectors for the social and economic development of our municipality.Declare a State of Economic Emergency for the hotel and commercial sector of Totana.That the Totana City Council approve and apply the following measures and actions in the short, medium and long term and urge the regional and central administration to apply concrete measures to alleviate the Economic Emergency in the hospitality and commerce sectors of the municipality;Create an item € 150,000 of aid for the hotel and trade of Totana in the 2020 budget, endowing said item with the surplus of the council or, to confiscate the savings of the totaneros, releasing the necessary items.With the following cast:* € 100,000 for the merchant check and the bar check.It is necessary to urgently launch discount vouchers for purchases in small businesses and consumption in bars and restaurants in the municipality, in order to promote the recovery of demand in these sectors, alleviate possible changes in consumption habits that may occur after the restart of activity and promote the importance of the physical store in the case of commerce* € 25,000 for merchants and hoteliers associations.* € 25,000 for programs to promote consumption in shops and bars in the municipality.Prepare a strategic plan for the "rescue and promotion of trade" after the consequences of the Covid19 pandemic and the restrictions of the outbreak that Totana suffers from July 23, which complements the Regional Retail Trade Recovery Plan.Create and launch a work commission for the preparation of said plan, where there are representatives of the commercial sector, representatives of all municipal political and technical groups, with an agenda to start work, the first call being between 1 and 4 September, and approval of said plan in October plenary session at the latest.Prepare a strategic plan for the "rescue and promotion of the hotel industry and the promotion of tourism" after the consequences of the Covid19 pandemic and the restrictions of the outbreak that Totana has suffered since July 23.Expedite the payment of the aid approved in the May plenary session, with a maximum payment date September 15, 2020Acquire the commitment to provide a budget item to support trade and hospitality of € 200,000 for the 2021 budget.Review and expand the bonuses and aid for Covid 19 approved in the May plenary session for expansion, if applicableThat the City Council urge the Government of Spain to suspend the equivalence surcharge for small businesses, a fixed cost that in this context is unjustified, as no provision is being made.

The problem is that this commission / surcharge does not occur in large companies and represents the loss of 3% of each sale.That the Totana City Council urge the Government of Spain to apply reduced VAT to the hospitality sector as other countries of the European Union have doneThese were the measures that the Popular Party intended to be dealt with in that extraordinary plenary session that was requested to celebrate the second week of August and that both the Mayor and the rest of the members of the corporation have turned a deaf ear and have considered a thousand excuses for not taking place and consequently for not adopting the measures that were proposed and many others that could have been provided by the rest of the opposition groups.After these decisions we see that in the end neither the mayor nor his team cares about the insecurity that neighbors are going through and the economic difficulties suffered by many companies and services in the municipality.From the Popular Party what we demand is that they get to work on the 2021 budget so that it comes into force next January and does not lie and deceive the totaneros with the problems to which we are accustomed

The PP denounces that the mayor leaves merchants and hoteliers thrown away by not including in the full aid for these sectors, Foto 1

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