The Socialist Group expresses its willingness to collaborate in the approval of the 2020 Municipal Budgets


| Totana is experiencing a dramatic situation and requires budgets in accordance with the difficult circumstances of the municipality | The Government Team of Ganar Totana IU cannot present a Budget Project for 2020 late yesterday, apart from the total reality, ignoring the current health and social crisis; focused solely on the fulfillment of their electoral program.However, the Socialist Group expresses its willingness to collaborate in the approval of the municipal budgets for 2020, as long as the government team includes the following 10 measures that we consider urgent and necessary to alleviate the consequences of the pandemic: 1.

Inclusion of the Covid-19 Measures approved unanimously in plenary session.2.

Expansion of the budget for the Cleaning and Disinfection Service of Educational Centers, Health Centers and other municipal facilities.3.

Creation of a Tracker Service at the municipal level endowed with the material and human resources necessary for the duration of the Pandemic.4.

Preparation of a Municipal Conciliation Plan endowed with the necessary financial resources that provides for the opening of municipal spaces for conciliation.5.

Adaptation of the Study Room of the José María Munuera y Abadía Library so that it is fully operational and functional including its complete air conditioning, necessary furniture, sanitary protection elements, implementation of a system for use 24 hours, 7 days a week .6.

Adequacy of the Basement / Under the José María Munuera y Abadía Library, as a possible space for educational support (Classes, Conciliation or expansion of the Study Room) and preparation for its future as a conference room.7.

Roof of the sports courts of the Santiago and Tierno Galván Schools.8.

Budget expansion so that the Totana Market (Market Place) is fully operational and functional.9.

Special plan for aid and reactivation of local commerce and hospitality that includes aid to the most vulnerable social sectors of our municipality (social bonds for local consumption, school supplies for local use, but also commercial campaigns, etc.) 10.

Multi-year Plan with comprehensive actions for the improvement of the pavement, sidewalks and underground structures of the streets of Totana.If these contributions are not accepted and budgeted by the government team, we will be forced to vote against budgets that do not respond to the dramatic reality that we are living in Totana.

The Socialist Group expresses its willingness to collaborate in the approval of the 2020 Municipal Budgets, Foto 1

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