Now Totana official statement on various current issues


| Dubai pub, traffic chaos, new activity in Hotel Plaza, hospitality, commerce, self-employed and SMEs in general | From the Civil Platform "NOW TOTANA", we want to let the residents of Totana know about our position on various current issues, and that they are having, or will have, a very negative impact on the life of Totaneros.Namely:PUB DUBAI:We consider that both the Mayor and the Security Councilor lie shamelessly on several occasions, when in their interventions at the press conference last Tuesday they indicate that the rights of the neighbors have been respected.

How can the Mayor make that statement when that place has been open a month before the state of Alarma and another month after and the Local Police have had to go up to 14 times.

It seems to us a real nonsense.Just as it is lied when it is affirmed that the neighbors have not denounced the flagrant non-compliance with the sanitary regulations in force, when in several of the complaints it is perfectly reflected that no masks are used, that the norm of social distancing is not met.

In addition to other altercations with the result of a very serious injury, lack of civility, excessively loud music, and a long etc….

If this is respecting the rights of the neighbors, it will be the rights of the non-compliant neighbors, not the compliant ones, the world around.Furthermore, it seems to us an absolute lack of respect towards the Local Police, when releasing in their reports all responsibility for non-compliance with current regulations.

In other words, if the neighbors' complaints are so continuous (every weekend that it has opened its doors) it is not on a whim, it is due to the need for rest, to avoid the imbalances that have caused the disaster that involves the entire population of It takes two weeks in phase 1.On the other hand, in the first viewing of the activity license grant file, we have detected several anomalies, so we will continue to request more documentation to clarify what we have observed; and let no one doubt, that we are going to get to the bottom of this matter.TRAFFIC CHAOSIn this case, the Government Team again throws balls out, avoiding their responsibility, and endorsing it with the Civil Guard.

Taking three days of traffic chaos, with the consequent discomfort of residents and workers of Totana, to convene the Local Coordination Table, where the Civil Guard, the main person in charge of the controls, is precisely present, and where it should have been planned with Previously, the bottleneck that would form at peak hours of entry and exit from work, both in the Industrial Estate and in the workers who commute daily to the population of Alhama de Murcia.NEW ACTIVITY IN HOTEL PLAZAIt is public knowledge that in the place that until recently was the Hotel Restaurante Plaza, another activity is going to resume that has nothing to do with what the building is intended for.

So we have asked the Government Team some questions to clarify several issues in this regard.Go ahead that in this Platform what we intend is to know the activity that is going to be carried out, to assess if the place is suitable for that activity.AID FOR HOTEL, COMMERCE, SELF-EMPLOYED AND SMEs IN GENERALWe have also asked the Government Team another question to find out the status of the aid application files.

It is in these hard moments when it becomes necessary for the City Council to be next to these sectors so seriously affected by the situation of the covid-19.

It is necessary that the department that will manage these grants be strengthened so that they are in the pockets of the applicants.

From here we express our support for these two sectors so important in our local economy.For all the aforementioned, we REQUEST from the government team an exercise of responsibility, seek more support in the face of manifest incapacity to handle situations, be more demanding with the Regional Government, it is good to collaborate but we must also request information regarding the presence of people from other populations in the PCR tests, to emphasize that positive people undergo a more exhaustive control, even sanctioning breaches of confinement, but above all, demand that Totana return to normality.

Now Totana official statement on various current issues, Foto 1

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