The PSOE asks for responsibilities after the statements of the Government Team


The PSOE of Totana, after the explanations given by the Government Team at the press conference on July 28, wants to communicate to the residents of our town, now that the number of daily infections is decreasing in our municipality and begins to control the outbreak of COVID 19 among our fellow citizens, the following considerations: The Mayor Juan José Cánovas is not correct when he affirms that he had no information about the non-compliance with sanitary regulations in PUB Dubai, the origin of this dramatic outbreak.

Several neighbors reported them in writing to the City Council for non-compliance with health safety regulations and the lack of masks among the clients of this pub, and this is reflected in several of the complaints that are in the file of this place. The current government team, overwhelmed by the current circumstances and once again showing its contempt for the opposition, has finally convened the municipal table for the control of COVID 19, after the municipal plenary approved this table by majority in the past Month of May. The councilor for citizen security, Don Agustín Martínez, trying to self-exonerate his responsibilities and incompetence for the serious events that occurred in Totana, transferred them to the Local Police of our town.

In this way he intentionally forgot that he - in addition to the mayor - the last person responsible for the effectiveness and control of the actions of this body.For all the above, the PSOE asks the Mayor: 1- That he publicly rectify his statements regarding the knowledge he had - or should have - before the crisis in the conditions of the Dubai Pub.2 - That the councilman of citizen Security cease, or, failing that, that he request the presentation of his immediate resignation due to his demonstrated inability to handle this situation.3- That the Mayor, once and for all, count on the opposition to solve the serious problems that our people have and thus avoid events like this that are so damaging to our business and social fabric.The PSOE reiterates its full willingness to collaborate positively with the other political groups, especially the current government team, in solving any problem that our municipality presents.

The PSOE asks for responsibilities after the statements of the Government Team, Foto 1

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