City Council and Government Delegation arbitrate the means to speed up the entry and exit of the municipality of Totana of workers to their jobs


The mayor of Totana, Juan José Cánovas, has maintained communication today with the Government delegate in the Region of Murcia, José Vélez, in order to adopt measures that allow the control devices maintained by the Civil Guard on the occasion of the phase 1 in which the municipality is located, develop with greater agility, especially, coinciding with the start of the work week.The City Council of Totana urges residents who must enter or leave the municipal area for work reasons to carry the supporting documentation that justifies the need for displacement, in order to help make the identification process faster and more agile by part of the agents.In addition, it is recommended that workers take into account access controls and plan to move to their respective jobs with certain time in advance, given the possibility that certain delays and concentration of vehicles may occur.Likewise, other people who have to move for non-work reasons are advised to avoid doing so during the hours between 5:00 and 8:30, in order to avoid queues at peak hours of entry to jobs.It is recalled that the only entry and exit access for vehicles to the urban area is through the RM-502 (North Ring Road), so that all vehicles, whatever their nature, must enter or exit from the Mediterranean to the city of Totana, always for justified reasons, due to the accesses to the “El Saladar” industrial estate in order to control mobility.

The rest of the main or secondary roads remain closed to traffic.

City Council and Government Delegation arbitrate the means to speed up the entry and exit of the municipality of Totana of workers to their jobs, Foto 1

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