The PP calls for the resignation of the mayor for not enforcing the regulations issued by the Regional Government in the "Pub Dubai"


| which has led to the decline of the revival of the municipality against COVID-19 | The Popular Party asks about the reasons that have led the mayor not to enforce the conditions of the license in the "Pub Dubai" or to comply with the requirements of the Resolution of June 19, 2020 of the General Secretariat of the Ministry of the Presidency and Treasury related to the prevention and containment measures applicable in the Region of Murcia to face the health crisis situation caused by COVID-19, after the end of the alarm state and for the reactivation phaseThe PP warns that this negligence of the highest municipal authority, which was aware by the residents of said breaches, could have been the reason that Totana is currently the municipality with the most positive cases per inhabitant in all of SpainThe Popular Party of Totana asks the mayor of the municipality for responsibilities for not enforcing the regulations dictated by the Regional Government after the end of the state of alarm in the "Pub Dubai", which has led to the setback of the municipality in the epidemiological, social, economic.Last Saturday all alarms went off in Totana due to the epidemiological results detected by the Ministry of Health, when an order was issued by the General Directorate of Public Health to close the "Pub Dubai" in the town.From that moment, infections in Totana increased exponentially until the fact that we are currently the municipality with the highest number of cases per inhabitant, which has led the Ministry of Health to adopt specific and temporary measures for reasons of public health for the containment of the regrowth of COVID-19 in the municipality of Totana, causing the return to phase 1 of the municipality.From the Popular Party we wonder what is the reason why the Mayor has not enforced in this establishment the conditions of the activity license or the fulfillment of the requirements of the Resolution of June 19, 2020 of the General Secretariat of the Ministry of the Presidency and Finance in relation to the prevention and containment measures applicable in the Region of Murcia to face the health crisis situation caused by COVID-19, after the end of the state of alarm and for the reactivation phase.Although he was aware of the situation that occurred in the same by the number of complaints from residents of the area who had expressed it verbally and in writing, which leads to a manifest prevarication for not obeying the orders of the authority health that were included in this resolution and before which was the competent authority to take all necessary measures.From the Popular Party we ask the mayor of Totana to take full responsibility for the situation that we are currently experiencing in the municipality and that it will lead to an unprecedented health and economic crisis in it.Therefore, from this moment on and without the mayor using these words to make himself the victim, he simply has to accept that the rulings must have their consequences, he must present his resignation for not having been responsible and having followed and taken measures in compliance with the agreements decreed by the Regional Government, which has led the municipality of Totana to a total crisis.Next, we make a brief summary of the specifications that on June 19, 2020 the Governing Council adopted the agreement regarding the prevention and containment measures applicable in the Region of Murcia to face the health crisis situation caused by the COVID -19, after the end of the alarm state and for the reactivation phase.According to article 4 of this order, the competent authorities will assume in each case the execution, inspection and control of the application of such measures, including the sanctioning power in the cases of non-compliance and non-observance of the approved measures, according to the regime of competence distribution.

provided for in the applicable sector regulations.The measures that the competent Authority, in this case the Totana City Council should control in its hotel and restaurant establishments according to articles 8 and 9 thereof, would be the following:8.

Hotel and restaurant establishments.8.1.

The maximum occupancy allowed inside the premises may not exceed seventy-five percent of their capacity.8.2.

In outdoor terraces, seventy-five percent of the tables authorized in the immediately preceding year may be placed based on the corresponding municipal license or what is authorized for this year, in the event that the license is granted by first time.

Outdoor terraces will be considered any uncovered space or any space that, being covered, is surrounded laterally by a maximum of two walls, walls or walls.8.3.

In the event that a hotel and restaurant establishment obtains the permission of the city council to increase the area for the outdoor terrace, the number of tables provided may be increased, respecting the established proportion.8.4.

Consumption within the premises may be done sitting at a table, or groupings of tables, preferably by prior reservation.

The maintenance of the proper physical distance of 1.5 meters between the tables or, where appropriate, groupings of tables must be ensured.8.5.

In any case, the tables or groupings of tables may not gather more than thirty people.8.6.

Bar consumption will be allowed as long as a minimum separation of 1.5 meters is guaranteed between clients or, where appropriate, groups of clients.8.7.

In those establishments with self-service modality, direct handling of food by customers will not be allowed, and the service must be provided by a worker of those.8.8.

The use of shared use letters will be avoided.8.9.

Items for shared use such as toothpicks, napkin rings, cruets, oil cans or similar, may not be made available to customers, prioritizing the use of single-dose products, delivered by staff at the request of customers.8.10.

Auxiliary elements of the service, such as crockery, glassware, cutlery sets or table linen, among others, will be stored in closed rooms and, if this is not possible, far from transit areas.8.11.

These measures must also be respected in all those spaces, facilities or activities in which, without being directly destined for this purpose, own hospitality and restoration activities are carried out and without prejudice to specific regulations that may be issued in specific sectors.9.

Nightlife venues and discos.9.1.

Nightlife venues and nightclubs will be subject to the capacity regulations established for hotel and restaurant establishments.9.2.

In these types of establishments, customers must remain seated at tables or groupings of tables and consumption at the bar will not be allowed.9.3.

When there is a space on the premises for a dance floor or similar, it may be used to install tables or groupings of tables, and this space cannot be dedicated to its usual use.Por lo tanto, y atendiendo al acuerdo establecido en la Resolución de 19 de junio de 2020, de la Secretaría General de la Consejería de Presidencia y Hacienda desde el Partido Popular consideramos que el Alcalde del municipio ha infringido el cumplimiento de la misma, por no haber llevado a cabo su responsabilidad en el control de dicho acuerdo y por tanto debe de asumir toda la responsabilidad de la actualidad real del municipio de Totana y presentar su dimisión.

The PP calls for the resignation of the mayor for not enforcing the regulations issued by the Regional Government in the Pub Dubai, Foto 1

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