The mayor of Totana will attend neighborhood appointments starting Monday through video calls


In order to maintain attention to the public by avoiding direct contact

The mayor of Totana, Juan José Cánovas, plans to attend, as far as possible, the neighborhood appointments starting next Monday through video calls with the technological possibilities available to those interested, both in the case of individuals and companies, suppliers and service winners.

The measure tries to try to maintain public attention on essential matters of general interest or of greater urgency in municipal management, thus avoiding direct contact and reducing, as far as possible, the spread of the epidemic.

In this way, those interested must follow the same procedures as always, requesting an appointment at the Mayor's Office and giving their phone number and explaining the matter.

As always, on the agreed day and time, the public employees of the Mayor's Office will communicate with interested neighbors on their home phone, promoting communication by applications via FaceTime or WhatsApp.

The Totana City Council recommends avoiding going to the municipal offices and dependencies if it is not strictly necessary or essential, and in any case, following the instructions and restrictions of the municipal staff.

As far as possible, please carry out your administrative procedures electronically (Electronic Administration) or by telephone;

And if you have questions about how to do them, you can call from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at 968 418 151.

In addition, please make responsible and rational use of the public health services of the Health Centers and Emergency Services to avoid their collapse;

and in case of doubts or symptoms, call 1-1-2 or 900121212. For other incidents, the Local Police (968 418181) and Civil Protection (968 4242 52) telephones.

To avoid contagion, preventive recommendations are remembered, such as washing your hands frequently with soap and water, avoiding touching your eyes, nose, and mouth, as well as coughing or sneezing inside your arm, or using a disposable tissue and throw in the trash.

The mayor of Totana will attend neighborhood appointments starting Monday through video calls, Foto 1
The mayor of Totana will attend neighborhood appointments starting Monday through video calls, Foto 2

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