The City Council reiterates the message of tranquility, responsibility and prudence in the first case of coronavirus in Totana


The City Council of Totana reiterates the message of tranquility, responsibility and prudence, which is being transferred by the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Health, since the emergence of the epidemic, before the first case of coronavirus that occurred in this municipality.

The mayor, Juan José Cánovas, accompanied by the Councilor for Health, Immaculate Blázquez, the head of Civil Protection, José María Sánchez Pascual, and the Local Police Commissioner, Alfonso Canales, have appeared publicly to account for the efforts and decisions taken since this case was officially known late last night in Totana.

The Ministry of Health confirmed last night the second case of coronavirus in the Region of Murcia, a 5-month-old baby with mild symptoms, also from a trip to Madrid;

and his mother, today.

So far, the Ministry confirms the existence of four cases of this pandemic in the Region.

The baby remains admitted to the Arrixaca together with his parents, to whom the tests were also carried out yesterday, the mother has also tested positive today;

They all came to visit Totana from Madrid.

The municipal authorities, both the Mayor's Office and the Department of Health, are in permanent contact with those responsible for the two health centers of Totana as well as with the Primary Care Management of the Health Area III of Lorca.

On March 2, a working commission was already set up to address this health crisis made up of the Department of Health, the health officials of both Health, Civil Protection and Local Police Centers.

In addition, the Department of Health of the City of Totana reminds that:

The information managed by the City Council is provided by the various official bodies (Ministry of Health and Ministry of Health of the Region of Murcia exclusively).

Sanitary recommendations must be followed to the letter: in terms of prevention, continued hand hygiene and not touching eyes and mouth;

avoid physical contact with other people who have been in places of risk;

keep some distance from people at risk;

and in case of symptoms, do not leave your residence.

There are two telephone numbers enabled: 112 and 920 12 12 12 (Monday through Friday, from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.).

Avoid visits to the Health and Emergency Services Centers in case of doubts (call authorized phones)

Do not travel to places of risk or where there are predominant sources.

The Region of Murcia is prepared and has the most qualified protocols, health facilities and professionals for the detection and control of suspected cases of coronaviruses and to deal with this contingency.

The recommendations that must be followed to prevent contagion are those established by the Ministry of Health and that are updated both on its website and on the murciasalud website.

Essentially, it is about avoiding close contact with people suffering from acute respiratory infections, washing their hands frequently and extreme cleanliness and hygiene.

When coughing or sneezing it is advisable to use the inside of the elbow to cover your mouth and use disposable tissues.

Likewise, it is recommended to preserve the privacy of people in order to proceed to their health protection and not stigmatize;

At the same time, the need to receive and monitor the truthful and verified information is noticed only through sources of official organizations (do not get carried away by rumors or hoaxes without contrasting in social networks or WhatsApp that can generate unnecessary social alarm ).

Similarly, the social media is thanked for its responsibility and ethics in the responsible treatment of this crisis;

and it is informed that a banner will be enabled on the municipal website with official information about it and informational posters will be distributed on prevention recommendations in case of doubt or symptomatology in the public buildings and services of Totana.

Finally, the mayor and the Councilor for Health insisted on the need to maintain peace of mind and receive information through official channels, and not generate unnecessary or excessive alarm;

having peace of mind and confidence in public health services and living a normal life following normal prevention guidelines.

The City Council reiterates the message of tranquility, responsibility and prudence in the first case of coronavirus in Totana, Foto 1

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