A total of 6,096 people visited the Municipal Bethlehem, made by Francisco Javier Carrillo, during the last Christmas and Reyes parties


A total of 6,096 people visited the Municipal Bethlehem, made by Francisco Javier Carrillo, during the last Christmas and Reyes parties, according to sources from the Department of Culture and Celebrations.

The Municipal Bethlehem made by the belenista artist Francisco Javier Carrillo Periago was inaugurated last Saturday by the municipal and ecclesiastical authorities in the exhibition hall "Gregorio Cebrián", within the program of Christmas and Kings activities, organized by the Department of Christmas Culture.

The Municipal Bethlehem remained open from December 14 to January 6, inclusive.

This activity was promoted by virtue of the collaboration agreement with the Association of Friends of Bethlehem Sale Los Pinos for an amount of 4,500 euros within the activities of the Christmas and Kings Festivities 2019/2020.

The Municipal Bethlehem was composed of 3 monumental scenes (The Caravan of the Magi, The Light of the World and Land of Pharaohs of different dimensions-).

During these days, the Municipal Bethlehem was visited on a scheduled basis by schools, users of day centers and other neighborhood associations and associations.

The Department of Culture keeps open a calendar of events and cultural exhibitions throughout the year in this municipal hall, being the activity of the Municipal Bethlehem with continuity that has greater acceptance by neighbors and visitors.

A total of 6,096 people visited the Municipal Bethlehem, made by Francisco Javier Carrillo, during the last Christmas and Reyes parties, Foto 1
A total of 6,096 people visited the Municipal Bethlehem, made by Francisco Javier Carrillo, during the last Christmas and Reyes parties, Foto 2
A total of 6,096 people visited the Municipal Bethlehem, made by Francisco Javier Carrillo, during the last Christmas and Reyes parties, Foto 3

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