The mayor advocates control of gambling venues and provides institutional support to associations working in this area


Coinciding today with the National Day without Gambling

The mayor of Totana, Juan José Cánovas, has advocated that the Public Administrations establish a control of the gambling premises and provides institutional support to the associations that work in this area coinciding today with the National Day without Game of Chance.

Precisely, a few days ago the mayor has met with representatives of the Association of Assistance to Players in Rehabilitation of the Region of Murcia "New Hope" in order to meet their needs and show their collaboration.

Today, October 29 is the National Day without Game of Azarfecha that takes the opportunity to ask for the strength of the union of all people and exert pressure on the central government and the autonomous governments to demand a regulation that sets new rules for gambling.

Mayor Totana showed his concern to the promoters of this associative movement for the use that young people make, increasingly, of the game, and although they are legally prohibited from accessing, then this legal precept that is detected by age in that appear in these integrated entities, already presenting an addiction situation.

Juan José Cánovas regretted the aggressive marketing practice aimed at this sector of the population that is still being trained and does not have consolidated coping strategies, letting itself be dragged through all these messages of search for resources through an activity in which only chance works , repeating it until getting hooked and isolating itself socially.

He also referred to another sector, with lack of support from administrations, such as women, who not only present differences in their pathology but have little social understanding in society and in the support processes to overcome their disease.

The mayor applauded the work carried out by these associations in different fields of action, and defended preventive work on these behaviors, on the one hand educating our environments, but also demanding the attention and intervention of the different administrations as guarantors of public health .

In short, the mayor will convene a Local Citizen Security Board in order to coordinate with the Security Forces and Bodies and the agents involved that work with these social and youth groups to control the access of minors to these establishments and develop preventive and awareness actions on this disease in this area.

The City Council of Totana already urged at the end of the previous legislature, under a plenary agreement, the Government of the Nation to urgently take measures against the advertising of games and online gambling in the media, basically radio and television and social networks, which have proliferated so much in recent years.

In addition, the Ministry of Justice was asked to conduct a study and develop a series of legislative measures related to advertising in the gaming sector, following the lines of other European countries such as Belgium.

The mayor advocates control of gambling venues and provides institutional support to associations working in this area, Foto 1

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