The La Santa Foundation celebrated the 375 years that Santa Eulalia is patron of Totana


The events took place on October 25, 26 and 27

The cycle of talks "375 years of Patronage" began with his presentation, by the President of the foundation and Mayor D. Juan José Cánovas, the Vice President and pastor of Santiago D. Francisco José Fernández, the Butler of the foundation D. Francisco José Miras and the President of the association of Virgin and Martyr Santa Eulalia de Mérida D. Luis Miguel González.

Next, Mr. Julián Larroya made a contextualization of the current situation of the "Eulaliense Way", with the stretches already made and the next ones planned, ending his intervention by presenting a video about the beginning of the road called "Opening Road".

After the screening, there was a round table where participants of the road talked about their experiences and motivations to undertake this new journey that will connect Totana and Mérida.

On the morning of Saturday 26, the town hall made an institutional reception to the delegation of the sister city of Mérida , continuing the day with a visit to the Tower Museum, the Bastida site and a potter's workshop.

Already in the afternoon, the planned activities were carried out.

First, the official presentation of the video "Sanctuary of La Santa, door of Sierra Espuña" was made, a document that will be projected by the future museum of Sta. Eulalia that the La Santa Foundation works so that, as soon as possible, it is a reality in the sanctuary.

Subsequently, the researcher of the figure of Sta. Eulalia D. Antonio Mateos Martín de Rodrigo, presented "Santa Eulalia de Mérida and Totana, greatness of the small", collecting data, history and documentation on the emeritense saint.

He toured the entire Eulaliense world and stopped essentially.

The afternoon ended with the presentation "The Hornito de Santa Eulalia and the Temple of Mars", by D. José María Ãlvarez Martínez, archaeologist and doctor in Classical Philology, was director of the National Museum of Roman Art of Mérida, being considered an indisputable figure of the archeology emeritense and official chronicler of the city of Mérida.

He presented the details of the "Hornito", which is the most prominent popular religious landmark in Merida.

It is a Gothic chapel that houses an image of the Saint and recalls the oven where it was burned during her martyrdom.

In the seventeenth century, the chapel is reformed and ornamented with fragments appeared in the city, corresponding to a temple dedicated to the God Mars.

On Sunday 27, members of the La Santa Foundation and the Association of Virgin and Martyr Santa Eulalia de Mérida held a working meeting.

The commemoration of this 375 anniversary ended with the celebration of the Eucharist in the hermitage of La Santa.

The La Santa Foundation celebrated the 375 years that Santa Eulalia is patron of Totana, Foto 1
The La Santa Foundation celebrated the 375 years that Santa Eulalia is patron of Totana, Foto 2

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