The deadline for the presentation of candidacies to elect new pediatric mayors in the seven deputations and the members of the Neighborhood Board of El Paretón opens from October 28 to November 18


The procedure for the election of the mayors mayors in the seven districts of Totana and the Board of Neighbors of El Paretón has been activated, whose deadline for submission of applications will take place from October 28 to November 18, as approved last week the Local Government Board, at the joint proposal of the Councilors of Citizen Participation and Pedanías.

Precisely, both Agustín Gonzalo Martínez and Pedro José Sánchez, have given an account of the participatory process of choosing these in the different districts of the municipality for the 2019/2023 period, which will be carried out in a participatory way through the open list system.

Last week, the procedure for the election of pediatric mayors in the councils of Lébor, El Raiguero, La Costera, La Sierra, Mortí, La Huerta and ViñasCarivete was given a green light;

as well as the designation of the members of the Board of Neighbors of El Paretón for this same term.

The municipality of Totana has for years had a participatory structure that allows the active participation of neighbors in different municipal management areas.

Among the bodies that make up this participatory structure, the Board of Pedáneos stands out, a municipal body of Citizen Participation in matters of districts in which municipal representatives participate and the 8 Pedácan Mayors who watch over the defense of the interests of the neighbors of each of the districts , and transmit them to the municipal government.

In the same, may be candidates neighbors or neighbors of legal age, registered-residents in the area or owners of second residence homes registered in the municipality of Totana before the opening of the deadline for submission of applications.

In the case of the owners of second residence homes, only one member may be submitted per family.

People who wish to present must do so by request through the Citizen Attention Service (SAC) addressed to the Department of Citizen Participation, attaching a photocopy of the DNI or legal residence card and in the case of owners of second residence homes accreditation of Be in possession of it.

Voting will take place in all districts on the date and place agreed by the neighbors;

and in the districts in which only one candidate is presented, a ratification day will be held in any case.

In the districts in which more than one candidate is present, a voting day will be held, with the neighbors being able to choose the candidate they want or vote blank.

The voting days in each of the districts will last two and a half hours, except in El Paretón, which will last three hours.

As they reiterated, they will be able to exercise their right to vote, those neighbors who are adults, registered-residents in the area or owners of homes of second residence being able to vote in the latter case one person per house.

He also noticed the election procedure of the members of the Local Board of Neighbors of El Paretón for the 2019/2023 legislature;

which will be carried out following the same procedure of open lists as the rest of the districts.

The hamlet of El Paretón, the most extensive and populated of the municipality, establishes the Local Neighbor Board as a neighborhood participation body composed of the pediatric mayor and 8 members chosen by the open list system, which will channel the aspirations and proposals of the neighbors and the neighbors of the district towards the Town Hall.

It only varies that the most voted candidate will hold the position of pediatric mayor and the rest will be vocal in order according to the number of votes obtained.

The municipal technicians of both departments will hold informative meetings with the neighbors of the districts involved in order to explain the election process and establish its schedule.


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