The Local Police has joined so far this year a total of five special campaigns promoted by the DGT


In order to ensure the reduction of accidents and victims

The Local Police have adhered to a total of five special campaigns promoted by the General Directorate of Traffic (DGT) so far this year to ensure the reduction of the number of accidents and victims of traffic accidents, as reported Headquarters sources.

During these months of the year 2019, police officers have carried out campaigns on School Transportation (February), Trucks and Vans (February), Safety Belt and Child Restraint Systems SRI- (March and May) and Alcohol and Drugs (June).

Both the Traffic Groups of the Civil Guard and the Local Police are the Guarantor Bodies of collaborating in prevention through their collaboration to this type of special campaigns.

There are several commitments signed by the Government of Spain that revolve around a common vision "zero" to be achieved in 2050: zero environmental pollution, zero congestion, zero debt in government public management and, possibly, the most recognized, zero victims in traffic accidents (deceased or injured).

The 2011/2020 period has been designated by the United Nations as the Decade of Action for Road Safety, in which the subscribing countries were challenged to reduce the number of deaths in the world by 50% by 2020, a challenge already previously launched by the European Union in the 2000/2010 decade and repeated in 2011/2020.

At the level of the Government of Spain, the zero objective developed is that related to road safety that was formulated through the Strategic Road Safety Plan 2011/2020, so that the General Directorate of Traffic in each of its annual accident reports includes Your progress in achieving these achievements.

The Local Police has joined so far this year a total of five special campaigns promoted by the DGT, Foto 1

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