The Plenary approves the General Account of the City of Totana corresponding to the fiscal year of 2018


The Plenary Session of the City Council of Totana approved last night, with the votes in favor of Winning Totana-IU and PSOE and the abstention of the PP, Vox and Mixed Group, the General Account of the City Council of Totana corresponding to the fiscal year 2018 composed of that of the City Council itself and of the Municipal Society PROINVITOSA y CEDETO, S. L;

as well as refer it to the Court of Auditors.

It was also agreed, with the votes in favor of Win Totana-IU and PSOE and the abstention of the PP, Vox and Cs, dismiss the allegations presented by the interested party and consequently declare the incompatibility of José Antonio Andreo Moreno as councilor of this City Council to exercise his position as a career officer of the latter in active duty situation, granting him a period of 10 days to decide on it.

In addition, it was unanimously agreed to declare of special interest the project for the reconstruction of a central processing and preparation of grapes in the industrial estate "El Saladar, requested by the company Moyca Grapes, SL for concurring social circumstances and employment promotion in Article 8.a) .3 ° of the ordinance regulating the Tax on Facilities, Constructions and Works that result in a benefit for the generality of the municipality.

Also included was a 45% reduction in the tax on facilities, constructions and works due to social circumstances and employment promotion of those established in Article 8.a) 3 °, which result in a clear benefit for the generality of the municipality.

The Plenary agreed, with the support of all the municipal groups and the abstention of Now Totana, the appointment of the municipal representatives in the collegiate bodies and institutions, being as follows:

- Commonwealth of the Taibilla Canals (Juan José Cánovas titular- and Pedro José Sánchez alternate-)

- Tourist Association of Sierra Espuña (Juan José Cánovas, Verónica Carricondo, Blasa Montes and Juan Pagán)

- Natural Park of Sierra Espuña (Isabel María Molino titular- and Fernando Méndez substitute-)

- Consortium for Solid Waste Management of the Region of Murcia (Andrés García titular- and María Dolores García alternate-).

- Firefighting Consortium (Juan José Cánovas titular- and Agustín Gonzalo Martínez alternate-)

- Spanish Association of Ceramics (Javier Clemente titular- and María Dolores García substitute-)

- Local Committee of the Spanish Red Cross (Juan José Cánovas titular- and Josefina Gálvez substitute-)

- Society for Rural Development and Campoder (Carlos Ballester titular- and José Antonio Andreo substitute-)

- Cadastral Management Agreement (Juan José Cánovas, Félix Cayuela, Eulalia Cañizares and David Bercedo)

- Consortium Greenways Region of Murcia (José Antonio Andreo titular- and Wenceslao Miralles substitute-)

- Joint Commission Monitoring Entity Sanitation and Purification Region of Murcia ESAMUR (Juan José Cánovas incumbent- and Immaculate Blázquez alternate-)

It was unanimously approved to delegate the Presidency of the Municipal School Council to the Councilor for Education, Agustín Gonzalo Martínez Hernández;

and appoint the municipal councilor, Verónica Carricondo Gázquez, on the Municipal School Council of Totana.

Similarly, the green light was given to the designation of municipal representatives in the School Councils of the public non-university educational centers of this municipality that are listed below, to the people who also specify:

CEIP La Cruz: María Isabel Rubio de la Peña

CEIP Santa Eulalia: Marta Sobejano Martínez

CEIP San José: Antonio Martínez Belchí

CEIP County Deitania: Antonia Cánovas Caro

CEIP Tierno Galván: Antonia del Vas Martínez

CEIP Santiago: Rafael Atanasio Ãlvarez Crespo

CPRA Guadalentín: Isabel García Merinos

CEIP "Luís Pérez Rueda": Sergio Martínez Sánchez

Lébor Public School: Rafael Atanasio Ãlvarez Crespo

IES Prado Mayor: Pedro A. Megal Ruiz

HE Juan de la Cierva: José Antonio González Guerao

Likewise, the corporate agreed, with the votes in favor of Win Totana-IU and PSOE, the abstention of the PP and Cs and against Vox and Now Totana, declare the injuriousness of the plenary agreement adopted in ordinary session held on March 27, 2014 on approval of the Liquidation of the Lease Agreement signed with the Mercantile Hotels del Sureste, SL of the services building, of the rural houses and recreational spaces of La Santa, having been dictated in violation of the applicable legal system, which determines its voidability in the terms set forth.

The councilors approved, unanimously, also the motion of the PP so that from the City Council the creation of one or several calisthenics parks in the municipality of Totana is carried out.

The Plenary agreed, with the votes in favor of the PP, PSOE, Vox, Cs and Now Totana and the abstention of Win Totana-IU, the popular motion for the celebration to take place on October 12 of the event of homage to the flag of Spain;

An official invitation is made to the different bodies and forces of the State;

and that the act of homage to the flag of Spain be institutionalized in Totana so that every October 12 will proceed to its celebration.

Likewise, the motion of the PSOE was approved unanimously to urge the Governing Council of the Autonomous Community to launch the educational-environmental program "Educational Centers Free of Plastic" with the aim of eliminating plastic, the role of Aluminum and other single-use materials in all educational centers in the Region of Murcia, during the 2019/2020 school year.

This program must include, among its main measures, the distribution of canteens or bottles and reusable sandwich holders or lunch boxes for the students of the Region of Murcia in order to eliminate the use of polluting materials from the centers;

and carry out periodic information campaigns aimed at raising awareness among the school population of the importance of acquiring healthy habits with the environment both in school and in the family environment.

It is advocated to request the Department of Environment and Education and Environmental Awareness of the City Council to conduct talks on Environmental Education in the educational centers of the municipality with the aim of reducing the use of plastics in schools and in the family environment of students.

Finally, finally, there was no agreement and the last item on the agenda was withdrawn, referring to the Mayor's proposal to determine compensation for assistance to collegiate bodies, grants to municipal groups and remuneration to councilors with exclusive dedication .

The Plenary approves the General Account of the City of Totana corresponding to the fiscal year of 2018, Foto 1

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