The councilor of HR stresses that the new framework agreement "benefits" the workers of the City Council


And defends the document because of the consensus reached with the 4 unions after months of negotiation

Councilor for Human Resources, Gertrudis Ruiz, stressed that the new framework agreement "benefits" the workers of the Totana City Council and wanted to defend the document because of the consensus reached with the four representative unions of public employees after months of negotiation.

The head of Human Resources wanted to give an account, before the media, of the characteristics included in the new framework agreement that was approved in the regular plenary session last April, which has the approval of the four trade union organizations that represent the workers (UGT, CCOO, CSIF and SIME);

and that will be subscribed this week.

The mayor, who showed his satisfaction and pride for the work developed by his department, explained that it is a document that has been working for many months and that has not been carried out from one day to the next because it involves a lot of negotiation between employers and the unions.

In addition, he noted that "there is no difference" between having approved the last plenary session of the legislature or earlier, since it has not been done before because it temporarily moved to resume in the work of the Job Relationship (RPT) , which was developing simultaneously.

He also justified the moment of his approval before the collapse of the HR department for a few months by not having a Human Resources technician, who requested a transfer in his job as a sergeant of the Local Police.

He added that it is a document that "benefits" the workers of the City Council and that it was necessary because it "regularized" many problems regarding personnel licenses and permits that caused many conflicts;

and the document is updated to the jurisprudence and real regulations.

Thus, chapters such as paternity leave, work and family conciliation, equality, among other matters are incorporated.

In this regard, he said he did not understand the attitude of his government partner, in this case, Ganar Totana-IU, voting against said framework agreement when there is consensus with the four unions represented and explained that he had not received "any explanation or objective reason" about the refusal to vote.

In relation to the TPN, he commented that "it is not in any drawer or in the paper mill, it is elaborated";

and added that it is a job that has cost enough to finish, and said that the 20,000 euros awarded to the company responsible for its development was a management inherited from the previous term and agreed by the previous PP government team.

According to the councilor of HR, its confection has been "a handicap" because it has been required to that company in Malaga on three occasions its completion because it was incomplete, and has allowed us to "have an X-ray staff of the staff of the City and of the inequalities in the remuneration of the employees, and of the situations that must be regularized ".

He pleaded to continue in this work to complete it and thanked the union delegates for their collaboration and the staff of the City Council "who has given the best of himself".

Regarding the temporary closure of the CAVI, which has been reported by social media spokesman Ganar Totana-IU, Juan José Cánovas, blaming the "jam" of the Department, reported that a selection process was made to fill the vacancy of the legal counsel, that has been delayed in time before the claims arising in court.

He urged the court to meet as soon as possible to respond to the claims and cover this job, while regretting the damage that is being caused to the users of the service this situation that is forcing them to refer them to other centers, according to said the mayor of HR.

The councilor of HR stresses that the new framework agreement "benefits" the workers of the City Council, Foto 1

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