An agreement will be signed with the Abraham Project Association to develop the initiative "Walk between fabrics"


It covers training and employment actions for people at risk or social exclusion

Totana City Council will soon sign a collaboration agreement with the Abraham Project Association to develop the project "Walk between fabrics", which includes training and employment for people at risk or vulnerability and social exclusion.

This entity has, among its aims and objectives, to fight against unemployment, social exclusion and any circumstance that undermines the dignity of the person or triggers processes of marginalization, as well as promoting the reintegration or social inclusion of people in this situation.

This initiative intends to collaborate actively, between both institutions, in the promotion of support projects for unemployed and entrepreneurial people at risk;

for what the mayor, Andrés García, and the president of this association, Nuria García Clavijos, will soon sign an agreement in fulfillment of these social purposes.

The totanero Consistory will provide an adequate space to provide training for the project "Entre fabrics" and report on companies located in Totana related to the sectors in which the association trains users, providing information to users of employment services and services local social

as well as the derivation of the people that it considers opportune.

For its part, the Proyecto Abraham Association will carry out an occupational training course on sewing and repair of garments with a duration of 40 hours, addressed to these people by the Social Services Center of Totana;

and offer participants job counseling and psychosocial care when necessary.

In addition, materials, tools, machinery and any other necessary resources will be made available for the development of the activity;

and it will be technically supported the insertion and necessary actions that facilitate and propitiate the acquisition of labor competencies in the people served.

An agreement will be signed with the Abraham Project Association to develop the initiative "Walk between fabrics", Foto 1

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