Local Development Agents Totana City Council participate in the Conference on Entrepreneurship, Employment and Local Development in which the figure of these technicians in Local Administration is analyzed


Agents of Local Development of the Councils of Economic Development, Development and Employment and Industry of the City of Totana have participated a few days ago in the Conference on Entrepreneurship, Employment and Local Development, held in Cartagena, which has analyzed the figure of these technicians in the Local Administration.

The Roman Theater of Cartagena has hosted the Conference on Entrepreneurship, Employment and Local Development, organized by the Agency for Local Development and Employment of Cartagena and the Association of Local Development Agents of the Region of Murcia. In this conference has discussed various issues as the local dimension of Employment in the municipalities, the role of the Local Development and Employment technicians and on the figure of undefined permanent staff. The mayor of Cartagena, Ana Belén Castejón, has been in charge of inaugurating this day and has indicated that the figure of the agents of Local Development, one of the issues discussed throughout the day, are fundamental since they make it possible for "Cartagena to continue to be a pioneer in the Region of Murcia in terms of Employment and Entrepreneurship." Local Development Agents are those workers of corporations local or entities linked to the Local Administration that have as objective to promote, organize, elaborate and promote policies

linked to local development in a community.

This figure emerged in the 50s thanks to the rural and agrarian development programs. The president of the Local Development Associations of the Region of Murcia, José Francisco Beltrán, one of the people in charge of presiding over the event, explained that through this event the figure of the agents of Local Development since "people know them by their names but they do not know what our functions are". The day was attended by the general director of the SEF, Severa González, and agents of Local Development of many municipalities of the Region of Murcia integrated into the Association of Local Development Agents of the Region of Murcia. The general director of the SEF, Severa González, who has spoken in a round table on the role of Local Development and Employment technicians, has emphasized that these workers are important and fundamental within the Employment and Training Service and that they are "the drivers and facilitators of the creation of

o and Economic Development of the municipalities "In the Region of Murcia, there are altogether 44 Local Development agents distributed throughout the municipalities.

Local Development Agents Totana City Council participate in the Conference on Entrepreneurship, Employment and Local Development in which the figure of these technicians in Local Administration is analyzed, Foto 1
Local Development Agents Totana City Council participate in the Conference on Entrepreneurship, Employment and Local Development in which the figure of these technicians in Local Administration is analyzed, Foto 2
Local Development Agents Totana City Council participate in the Conference on Entrepreneurship, Employment and Local Development in which the figure of these technicians in Local Administration is analyzed, Foto 3
Local Development Agents Totana City Council participate in the Conference on Entrepreneurship, Employment and Local Development in which the figure of these technicians in Local Administration is analyzed, Foto 4
Local Development Agents Totana City Council participate in the Conference on Entrepreneurship, Employment and Local Development in which the figure of these technicians in Local Administration is analyzed, Foto 5
Local Development Agents Totana City Council participate in the Conference on Entrepreneurship, Employment and Local Development in which the figure of these technicians in Local Administration is analyzed, Foto 6
Local Development Agents Totana City Council participate in the Conference on Entrepreneurship, Employment and Local Development in which the figure of these technicians in Local Administration is analyzed, Foto 7
Local Development Agents Totana City Council participate in the Conference on Entrepreneurship, Employment and Local Development in which the figure of these technicians in Local Administration is analyzed, Foto 8
Local Development Agents Totana City Council participate in the Conference on Entrepreneurship, Employment and Local Development in which the figure of these technicians in Local Administration is analyzed, Foto 9

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