The General Directorate of Educational Centers is committed to carrying out the projects of thermal conditioning and waterproofing of the "Santiago" and "Santa Eulalia" schools


The general director of Educational Centers, María Remedios Lajara, visited last Wednesday the public schools "Santiago" and "Santa Eulalia" in order to know their needs for the execution of the projects of thermal conditioning and waterproofing of the roofs of both centers teaching.

The head of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Autonomous Community was accompanied by the councilors of Education and Works and Infrastructure, Eulalia Moreno and Víctor Balsas, respectively, as well as technicians from both administrations.

The representative of the regional government, which previously had a meeting with Mayor Andrés García, committed to the leaders of both educational communities to undertake the projects during the next summer, taking advantage of school holidays.

During the visit, he saw first-hand the historical deficiencies that have been dragging both schools in the oldest blocks of the two schools, which cause leaks in the rainy season and, above all, an untenable thermal situation both in winter and in the months next to summer, coinciding with the end of the school year.

In addition, in the case of the CEIP "Santiago" is planned to fix the bathrooms of the oldest building of the school that drag an improper situation of a modern teaching center.

During this term, the City of Totana has had to assume the arrangement of all the maintenance works of the colleges and institutes despite being the responsibility of the regional administration, given that in some cases the current legal regulations were not complied with. .

The general director plans to visit, again, several Totana schools throughout the next month of April.

Historical claim

The City Council of Totana already urged in 2017 to the Ministry of Education, in compliance with Royal Decree 486/1997, of April 14, to prepare all schools supported by public funds of the necessary means to ensure optimal temperatures in the centers of work to avoid thermal stress and make a temperature map in schools.

The Municipal Corporation unanimously approved an initiative to guarantee that the centers have an adequate air conditioning system that allows the development of educational activities in safety and health conditions for students and teachers.

In this sense, this royal decree establishes minimum safety and health provisions in workplaces, regulating that the optimum temperatures in the work centers that fix the temperature in the premises where sedentary work is carried out will be between 17 and 27 degrees .

In the Region of Murcia, the educational community has been denouncing that, even today, there is a high number of educational centers that do not have the best climatological conditions, and more in a hot zone like this one and at a time of the year, As it is the beginning and end of the course, temperatures exceed these parameters inside the classrooms.

In addition, there are numerous complaints from union representatives before the Health and Safety Committee of the Ministry of Education and Universities, in order to resolve the episodes that year after year, students, teachers and administrative staff have to suffer in the centers due to the temperatures supporting environmental

The agreement made by the Consistory totanero to the Ministry noted that this is not a trivial issue, as shown by various studies, because the ambient temperature directly affects the performance both in students and teaching workers, being incompatible with a system quality public.

Temperatures below 17 and above 27 degrees translate into restlessness, nervousness from the cold and drowsiness and inactivity when it affects the heat.

The General Directorate of Educational Centers is committed to carrying out the projects of thermal conditioning and waterproofing of the "Santiago" and "Santa Eulalia" schools, Foto 1
The General Directorate of Educational Centers is committed to carrying out the projects of thermal conditioning and waterproofing of the "Santiago" and "Santa Eulalia" schools, Foto 2
The General Directorate of Educational Centers is committed to carrying out the projects of thermal conditioning and waterproofing of the "Santiago" and "Santa Eulalia" schools, Foto 3
The General Directorate of Educational Centers is committed to carrying out the projects of thermal conditioning and waterproofing of the "Santiago" and "Santa Eulalia" schools, Foto 4
The General Directorate of Educational Centers is committed to carrying out the projects of thermal conditioning and waterproofing of the "Santiago" and "Santa Eulalia" schools, Foto 5
The General Directorate of Educational Centers is committed to carrying out the projects of thermal conditioning and waterproofing of the "Santiago" and "Santa Eulalia" schools, Foto 6
The General Directorate of Educational Centers is committed to carrying out the projects of thermal conditioning and waterproofing of the "Santiago" and "Santa Eulalia" schools, Foto 7
The General Directorate of Educational Centers is committed to carrying out the projects of thermal conditioning and waterproofing of the "Santiago" and "Santa Eulalia" schools, Foto 8

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