2nd national: IES S. Carrascoy El Palmar 3 - Totana Promises 4


Weekend results Club Totana TM

Important victory of the Totana Promises that in this way does not rise from the high places of the classification.

Game played from power to power, very exciting for the continuous alternatives in the score and match that the totaneros brought home thanks to their greater consistency in the doubles.

Started ahead of the local team 1-0 to get Limonta overcome 3-1 to Domingo Jr.

He later equaled Santiago.

Well A. Serano, left-handed player and team El Palmar El Palmar, but Santiago in the fifth game achieved the decisive points.

The totaneros 1-2 went ahead in the general.

They faced the two defensive players of the teams and it was Julián who better balanced the defense and the attack and won 0-3 against Víctor Sánchez.

Again equality in the score.

Again it was the fifth game but this time Santiago could not write it down.

Limonta went ahead 2-0.

The totanero raised the level to equal to 2 and in the decisive game it was the one of the Palmar the one that was scored the decisive points.

The outcome of the meeting was approaching and the intensity increased.

Victor Sanchez won Sunday Jr. the first two games in the advantages and then also the third which meant again that the local team was ahead 3-2.

Decisive match the next between Serrano and Julián in which it was also reached the fifth game with maximum equality.

Julian was very confident the last points and managed to get to 3-3.

In the doubles the totanera couple, Domingo and Santiago, was as always, without bragging but solid and sure to win Limonta / Sánchez 1-3 taking these valuable points for Totana.


The next day El Totana promises will receive the CTM Alcoy in a match that will be played on Saturday December 15 at 5:00 pm at the Manolo Ibáñez Pavilion.

Before, next weekend, the same three players who have lined up this weekend, Santiago, Domingo and Julián will move to Zaragoza to play the National Qualifying Tournament in search of one of the places for the State Tournament to be played in February in Valladolid.



The leader won the Totana TM 4-2 with what continues counting their games with wins (9 of 9) and is increasingly secured in that first place.

For its part the totanero team is left with 4 won and 5 lost in the middle of the table.

Fernando Serrano started for the local team and Gabriel for the totaneros.

More offensive and complete Serrano scored the first of the points for his team.

Juan Delgado was then overtaken by Vicente Carreño, who was very sure what the match matched.

José Ramón Abellán in a very complete match won the veteran Domingo who could not with the Elche player.

Again Fernando Serrano got the victory (18 of 18 leads in this league).

Vicente very well in many phases of the meeting put him in trouble but could not solve so the game was 3-1 for the locals.

Abellán and Gabriel gave a nice and even match.

Very well the young totanero forced the fifth game in which he lacked a bit of success that did have in this game the local player to leave and resolved the game.

The last point in play was scored by Domingo who gave up the first game and then raised the bar and completed three good games that left the overall score in 4-2.


The next league day of Totana TM will not be until Sunday, December 16.

The second Lady of Elche will be received at home at 10.30 in the Manolo Ibáñez Pavilion.

For its part, the 3rd National team that this weekend has not had a match will also play on Sunday, December 16, but away from home, in Cartagena against the UCAM Cartagena TM at 11 o'clock.

2nd national: IES S. Carrascoy El Palmar 3 - Totana Promises 4, Foto 1
2nd national: IES S. Carrascoy El Palmar 3 - Totana Promises 4, Foto 2
2nd national: IES S. Carrascoy El Palmar 3 - Totana Promises 4, Foto 3
2nd national: IES S. Carrascoy El Palmar 3 - Totana Promises 4, Foto 4

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