The Plenary agreed to update the current Adjustment Plan for the year 2019


In order to achieve the economic rebalancing of the Totana City Council

The House approved yesterday the Mayor's motion, with the votes in favor of the PSOE, Win Totana-IU and the not attached councilor and the abstention of the PP, to acquire the commitment to update the Adjustment Plan in force for the year 2019, in order to go reaching the economic rebalancing of the City of Totana.

Likewise, the Plenary was informed of the reports issued on follow-up in the different Adjustment Plans.

In addition, it was agreed, with the votes in favor of all the groups and the abstention of the independent councilor, to cease Natalia Rubio Navarro, Juan Pividal Pallarés and Isabel Cánovas Sánchez, as municipal representatives in the School Councils of the Deitania centers, Luís Pérez Rueda and Juan de la Cierva respectively.

In this regard, it was decided to appoint Mari Carmen Belchí Morales (CEIP Deitania), Pedro Daniel López Pérez (CEIP Luís Pérez Rueda and IES Juan de la Cierva) as municipal representatives as municipal representatives.

The proposal of the councilor of Human Resources was approved, with the support of the PSOE, Ganar Totana-IU and the non-attached mayor and the abstention of the PP, lift the suspension of the special days, declared by full agreement dated June 28 of 2012 (BORM July 4, 2012) in the sense of restoring the right to remuneration of holidays and nights in the established conditions.

It was also approved initially, unanimously, the proposal of the councilor for the Elderly, on the new municipal regulation of the residence service "El Purisima" and submit it to public information.

The Plenary agreed, with the votes in favor of the PSOE and Ganar Totana-IU and against the PP and the non-attached mayor, the proposal of the councilor of Historical Heritage to initiate the file for the change of denomination and that currently known as "Juan de Uzeta" will be called "Fuente de la Plaza", as it has traditionally been known.

The initiative includes that the City Council carry out a cycle of activities to inform Silvestre Martínez Teruel and his extensive facet as an architect, engineer, painter and sculptor, who left us important works that are still today iconic of our history and heritage, and granting him his just recognition as the author of the design, layout and direction of the Fuente de la Plaza, which for centuries supplied drinking water to the inhabitants of the urban area.

Political motions

The corporate approved, with the votes in favor of the PP, PSOE and council not attached and against Ganar Totana-IU, the motion of the Popular Group to urge the Government of Spain, so that the Region of Murcia is the scene of commemorative events to celebrate to commemorate the 175 Anniversary of the creation of the Civil Guard.

The motion of the PP was also approved, unanimously except for point 4-, so that the Government of the Nation approves a bonus of the tolls for the professional drivers, to construct safe rest areas so that the professionals can make the obligatory stops without risk for They will not even use their merchandise and will rectify their new diesel tax, which will further suffocate a sector that already has a very high tax rate.

The green light was given to the PP motion, with the votes in favor of all the groups and the abstention of the non-attached mayor, to urge the regional government to study and take into consideration the possibility of gradually establishing home pharmaceutical care for elderly dependents or patients in a situation of vulnerability in order to monitor treatment, in coordination with other professionals in the health field.

Also, unanimously approved the points of the motion of the PP referring to the City Council urges the regional government to study and takes into consideration the development of a census of pedestrian crossings, in collaboration with the Federation of Municipalities of the Region of Murcia, grouping them by their danger and using and establishing a specific signaling (horizontal, monochromatic, vertical, sound) depending on each group, and that this study facilitates the modifications in the relevant traffic code.

In this sense, it is also advocated to urge the regional government, in collaboration with the Federation of Municipalities of the Region of Murcia, to study and take into account carry out awareness campaigns in all sectors of the population, to improve the road safety in pedestrian crossings.

In addition, the motion of the PP calls on the Government of the Nation to study the development of a common regulation or a modification of the current (included in the General Traffic Regulation), to establish the different types of steps for pedestrians in relation with its danger and its various forms of signaling.

The Municipal Corporation approved the motion of the Socialist Group, with the votes in favor of the PSOE, Ganar Totana-IU and the non-attached mayor and against the PP, to urge the Governing Council of the Region of Murcia to assume, through Government Council Agreement, the share of responsibility that corresponds to ensure the financial adequacy of the Local Entities of the territory.

In this sense, it is required to regulate, by law, the participation of the municipalities of the Region of Murcia in the income of the regional administration, guaranteeing the distribution of resources in an equitable, objective and fair manner, in accordance with the services they exercise. the participation of the municipalities in the income of the Autonomous Community will be made through the creation of Investment and Local Cooperation Funds.

It is also requested, in the PSOE motion, to regulate the lines of a stable and lasting system for financing and, from the institutional loyalty and local autonomy, contribute to guarantee the financial adequacy of the Local Entities.

The Plenary approved the motion of the PSOE, with the favorable votes of the PSOE and Ganar Totana-IU and the abstention of the PP and the non-attached mayor, to show the institutional rejection of the possible opening of a new Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in the Region of Murcia .

In addition, the competent authorities of the Region are required not to allow the commercialization of the degree in Veterinary medicine;

and show support for public education in general and the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the UMU, in particular.

The motion to win Totana-IU was unanimously approved to urge the Ministry of Health and the Murcian Health Service to increase the number of staff (physiotherapists and auxiliary personnel) and afternoons to meet the actual demand of the Health Service. Rehabilitation in the Health Center "Totana Norte" of this town.

Finally, it was decided, with the support of all the groups and the abstention of the non-attached mayor, to appoint Sebastián Cano Guerao as new Patron of the La Santa Foundation, on behalf of the City Council of Totana, replacing Juan Valero Sánchez.

The Plenary agreed to update the current Adjustment Plan for the year 2019, Foto 1

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