The II Canine Contest "ASCATO" and the II Dog Show of Detective Dogs will be held on December 9 at the old La Cruz School


Within the Santa Eulalia festivities

The II Canine Contest "ASCATO" and the II Dog Show of Dogs Detectors of Totana will be held on December 9 in the courtyard of the former College La Cruz within the program of activities of the patron saint of Santa Eulalia, organized by the Association Canina de Totana (ASCATO) and the Canine Unit of the Civil Protection Association of this town.

The Councilor for Emergencies and Civil Protection, Agustín Gonzalo Martínez, and the person in charge of the Canine Civil Protection Unit and ASCATO director, Antonio Serrano Rosa, presented this event, whose activities will be carried out simultaneously, allowing its follow-up.

Those interested can request more information or make their registrations at the association's headquarters, at the old Colegio La Cruz, or by phone 660-782932;

establishing different categories with trophies and prizes for the winners.

The II Dog Show will begin at 10:00 am and will involve different operating canine units in different disciplines, such as detection of narcotics, detection of explosives and search for missing persons.

In addition, throughout the morning will be enjoyed exercises for each of these disciplines.

For its part, the II Canine Contest, which will be held simultaneously this year, will be beneficial, like last year, so that the proceeds from the registration and any economic donation or material will be donated to "El Refugio de Tizziano. "

The inscriptions will cost five euros and will entitle you to participate in one of the six scheduled categories: best couple in disguise, best child couple, most obedient dog, youngest puppy, most intrepid grandfather and most artist on the track.

In addition, there is a dorsal for anyone who wants to collaborate without participating in the contest, so that this category will be open from the day of the contest and until December 31.

The II Canine Contest "ASCATO" and the II Dog Show of Detective Dogs will be held on December 9 at the old La Cruz School, Foto 1
The II Canine Contest "ASCATO" and the II Dog Show of Detective Dogs will be held on December 9 at the old La Cruz School, Foto 2

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