The Plenary will address the proposal of the Mayor's Office to meet the requirement made by the Ministry of Finance


to acquire a plenary commitment to update the Adjustment Plan for the year 2019

The ordinary plenary session for the month of November will address this Thursday, November 29 (7:00 pm), the proposal of the Mayor's Office to meet the requirement made by the Ministry of Finance to acquire a commitment to update the Adjustment Plan for the year 2019, among others.

In addition, the Plenary will be informed of the reports issued on the follow-up of the different Adjustment Plans.

The proposals of the councilor of the Treasury will also be discussed to raise to final the file of annulment and rectification of accounting balances of expenses and returns of income, and non-budgetary operations in municipal accounting;

and on file of extrajudicial recognition of credits.

The agenda includes the proposal of the Mayor's Office for the appointment of municipal representatives in the School Boards of different educational centers of Totana and the proposal of the Human Resources councilor for the total restitution of the remuneration of nights and holidays suspended by full agreement. of June 28, 2012, and partially lifted by agreements of July 30, 2015 and November 24, 2016.

Likewise, the proposals of the councilors of Elderly People on initial approval of the new service of Residence for the Elderly "La Purisima" and the Historical Heritage on the change of denomination of the Juan de Uzeta Fountain by Fuente de la Plaza, as traditionally, will be debated It was known.

Other political motions

The Plenary will deal with the motions of the Municipal People's Group on Homage to the Civil Guard, improvements in the transport sector, home pharmacy service and pedestrian crossings.

The Municipal Socialist Group has raised two motions related to local funding and support to the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the University of Murcia before the possible opening of a private Veterinary Faculty in the Region of Murcia.

Finally, the corporate will discuss the motion of the Municipal Group Win Totana-IU to urge the Murcian Health Service to expand the provision and hours of the Rehabilitation Service that is provided in the Health Center of Totana-North.

The Plenary will address the proposal of the Mayor's Office to meet the requirement made by the Ministry of Finance, Foto 1

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