More than 35 Local Police officers from different municipalities of Guadalentín finish the course on crimes against road safety and detection of drugs, narcotics and psychotropic substances in drivers


The local police already have the training qualification required by the regulations to perform this type of tests

More than 35 agents of the Local Police of different municipalities of the Guadalentín Region finished yesterday the course on crimes against the road safety and detection of drugs, narcotics and psychotropic substances in the drivers, that has been celebrated in the last weeks in the Headquarters of Totana.

This last of the six courses organized together with the Provincial Traffic Headquarters, Civil Guard, Road Safety Prosecutor and the Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences of Murcia.

In the same have participated agents of the bodies of Totana, Alhama, Mazarrón and Ãguilas.

This training action, which has had the collaboration of the City of Totana and especially the Head of the Local Police, Alfonso Canales, has arranged theoretical and practical sessions for several days.

Participants already have the training qualification required by the regulations to perform this type of tests, when necessary and drivers are influenced in their driving: traffic accidents, irregular conductions, serious or very serious infractions, etc., as reported by the Local Police Headquarters.

The training program was inaugurated by Pablo Lanzarote Martínez, Public Safety Attorney of the Region of Murcia, who gave a session on the crime of driving under the influence of toxic drugs, narcotics and psychotropic substances of article 379.2 ° of the Penal Code.

The five remaining training activities were given in the months of June, October and November in Murcia, Lorca, San Javier, Cehegín and Archena, and agents and officers of the local police of municipalities of the area participated.

A total of 180 members of the Local Police bodies of 19 municipalities of the Region of Murcia are being trained throughout this year in drug detection in drivers, in an initiative promoted by the Community, through the Training School and Innovation of the Public Administration (EFIAP) of the Ministry of Finance.

With this initiative, the Community has responded to the demands made by the Police Headquarters and the city councils to EFIAP, which always has the inter-administrative collaboration of the aforementioned entities.

Another session has addressed normative, legislative and procedural aspects, as well as the completion of procedures and the processing and annotation in Provincial Headquarters, which has been carried out by María de los Ãngeles Martínez Ripoll, Head of the Administrative Affairs Service of the Traffic Department of Murcia.

On the other hand, the forensic doctor María del Carmen Torres Sánchez, head of the Clinical Service of the Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences of Murcia, has faced, in another session, the exploration of external signs related to drug use, screening of drugs of abuse in biological fluids and the elements of the chain of custody and cold.

The course has been completed by different theoretical sessions and practices this past Tuesday on the public highway by Captain Agapito Cánovas and Sergeant Antonio Cobarro of the Civil Guard Traffic Association.

More than 35 Local Police officers from different municipalities of Guadalentín finish the course on crimes against road safety and detection of drugs, narcotics and psychotropic substances in drivers, Foto 1
More than 35 Local Police officers from different municipalities of Guadalentín finish the course on crimes against road safety and detection of drugs, narcotics and psychotropic substances in drivers, Foto 2
More than 35 Local Police officers from different municipalities of Guadalentín finish the course on crimes against road safety and detection of drugs, narcotics and psychotropic substances in drivers, Foto 3
More than 35 Local Police officers from different municipalities of Guadalentín finish the course on crimes against road safety and detection of drugs, narcotics and psychotropic substances in drivers, Foto 4
More than 35 Local Police officers from different municipalities of Guadalentín finish the course on crimes against road safety and detection of drugs, narcotics and psychotropic substances in drivers, Foto 5
More than 35 Local Police officers from different municipalities of Guadalentín finish the course on crimes against road safety and detection of drugs, narcotics and psychotropic substances in drivers, Foto 6
More than 35 Local Police officers from different municipalities of Guadalentín finish the course on crimes against road safety and detection of drugs, narcotics and psychotropic substances in drivers, Foto 7
More than 35 Local Police officers from different municipalities of Guadalentín finish the course on crimes against road safety and detection of drugs, narcotics and psychotropic substances in drivers, Foto 8
More than 35 Local Police officers from different municipalities of Guadalentín finish the course on crimes against road safety and detection of drugs, narcotics and psychotropic substances in drivers, Foto 9

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