They denounce an illegal clearing in the Saladares del Guadalentín


Ecologists in Action has denounced the clearing and putting in irrigation of twelve hectares of protected land in the Municipal District of Totana

Ecologists in Action has reported to the competent authorities "a new clearing and illegal irrigation in protected lands of the Municipal District of Totana , in the place known as La Ă‘orica." "It is 12 hectares of land, which also It has built an irrigation booth and a partial fencing, "according to a statement.

The environmental organization warns that the lands are protected under different environmental protection figures, such as the Protected Natural Area called "Protected Landscape of the Saladares del Guadalentín", the Site of Community Importance (SCI) ES6200014 "Saladares del Guadalentín" and the Area of Special Protection of Birds (ZEPA) ES0000268 "Saladares del Guadalentín".

It is also a Wildlife Protection Area.

All these protection figures are due to the special vegetation of the area, typical of salt marsh, and various animal species associated with this landscape, most of which are threatened.

In fact, it is an area especially sensitive to soil transformation due to the presence of species of waterfowl, raptors and steppe, which use the area as a nesting, hunting and hunting area.

Among the most sensitive species include, among others, the Montagu's Harrier, the Sison, the Ortega, the Black-footed Chorlitejo or the Short-toed Eagle, which are part of the Catalog of Endangered Species of the Region of Murcia.

The organization has taken the opportunity to remember that these events occur while the Comprehensive Management Plan for the Saladares del Guadalentín has not yet been approved, as is the case with the Steppe Bird Recovery and Conservation Plan in the Region of Murcia, that precisely this protected landscape appears as one of the spaces with more biodiversity in this type of birds.

Therefore, Ecologists in Action has requested that, "in addition to the corresponding sanction, those responsible are required to remove the fence and the booth, as well as the replacement of the land to the previous state."

They denounce an illegal clearing in the Saladares del Guadalentín, Foto 1
They denounce an illegal clearing in the Saladares del Guadalentín, Foto 2

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