PP: "PSOE primaries publicly staging the division of the Socialist Party in Totana, and therefore in the Municipal Socialist Group"


"The PSOE ratifies with its primary the nefarious management of the mayor in the municipality that has been denouncing the PP"

The primaries held by the Socialist Party of the municipality do not represent anything other than the rupture of the Socialist Party of Totana and therefore the Municipal Socialist Group in the City Council, which from the PP we have denounced this term.

The PSOE Totanero militants have confirmed, with their participation in the socialist primaries, the disastrous management of the Mayor at the head of the City Council during this year and a half.

Their actions do not guarantee their own militants.

The campaign carried out by PSOE primary candidates has shown the internal rupture suffered by this party at the local level and in the municipal government since the beginning of the legislature, working without coordination, without a road map and carrying out actions without meaning, with a total lack of control of the councils and maintaining a personal struggle to promote the mayoral 2019.

The same candidates to the socialist primaries in their statements ratify the apathy of this Government, the confusion in its management, the lack of commitments with the residents of Totana and the complexes they have to work for the people, publicly confirming their incompetencies at the head of the Consistorio Totanero, complaints that throughout the legislature the Popular Party has been making and that now they reaffirm.

The loser of the primaries throughout the campaign, Victor Balsas, has been using the Institution in a partisan way, doing actions with the sole purpose of getting guarantees for his candidacy for mayor in the 2019 elections. Sample of this we see as works in a school of the municipality have been a bargaining chip to get the support of its Director.

From Partido Popular we consider it unusual and very serious that this candidate has used a Public Institution, such as a school, with its facilities etc.

for his political and partisan campaign, using public offices and public administration facilities for this purpose.

A public school that houses families of all political types.

During the celebration of the campaign of the PSOE primaries, at no time and neither by any of the candidates have we seen a project of the PSOE totanero, they only talk about their work during their three and a half years at the head of the municipal government, very vain and humble way, taking chest of a job for which they are on payroll and being the first recognized job, in the case of one of the candidates, pays paid with the money of all the totaneros and most of the actions with the subsidies of the Autonomous Community.

We must remember that during the governments of the PP, many expansion and maintenance works have been carried out in schools throughout the municipality, as is the obligation of any Municipal and Regional Government, for the good of the neighbors and not in a partisan.

PP: "PSOE primaries publicly staging the division of the Socialist Party in Totana, and therefore in the Municipal Socialist Group", Foto 1

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