Municipal authorities attend the inauguration of the XI International Congress of Rare Diseases


It is celebrated in the UCAM during this weekend

The first deputy mayor, Juan José Cánovas, and the councilor of Finance, Ana María Cánovas, representing the municipal Corporation, attended the opening ceremony of the 11th International Congress of Rare Diseases, which is being held today and tomorrow at the Campus of Los Jerónimos of the San Antonio Catholic University of Murcia (UCAM).

The opening ceremony was also attended by the Minister of Health, Manuel Villegas García, and the presidents of the Spanish Federation of Rare Diseases (FEDER) and D'Genes, Juan Carrión, and the International Association of Relatives and Lipodistrofias Affected , Naca Pérez de Tudela.

This appointment will again be a reference in infrequent pathologies;

and is organized by the Association of Rare Diseases D'Genes.

This will bring together hundreds of people, including researchers, affected and relatives, representatives of associations and professionals in health, education or social work.

In addition, this event has the collaboration of the Spanish Federation of Rare Diseases (FEDER), the European organization of patients EURORDIS, the Ibero-American Alliance of Rare Diseases (ALIBER) and the Spanish Federation of Fragile X Syndrome.

Similarly, in the framework of the XI Congress other satellite events will also be held, such as the VI Lipodystrophy Symposium organized by AELIP and two family meetings are also planned, one from D'Genes Epilepsia and another from D'Genes X Fragile, among others.

Municipal authorities attend the inauguration of the XI International Congress of Rare Diseases, Foto 1
Municipal authorities attend the inauguration of the XI International Congress of Rare Diseases, Foto 2
Municipal authorities attend the inauguration of the XI International Congress of Rare Diseases, Foto 3
Municipal authorities attend the inauguration of the XI International Congress of Rare Diseases, Foto 4
Municipal authorities attend the inauguration of the XI International Congress of Rare Diseases, Foto 5
Municipal authorities attend the inauguration of the XI International Congress of Rare Diseases, Foto 6
Municipal authorities attend the inauguration of the XI International Congress of Rare Diseases, Foto 7
Municipal authorities attend the inauguration of the XI International Congress of Rare Diseases, Foto 8
Municipal authorities attend the inauguration of the XI International Congress of Rare Diseases, Foto 9

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