The program of activities organized in Totana to commemorate the International Day against Gender Violence


The program of activities to commemorate the International Day against Gender Violence in Totana started last night in Totana with the celebration of the talk entitled "Machismo and psychological abuse in the classrooms" given by the lawyer Martina Sánchez Puerta.

This activity was organized by the Association of Housewives Three Hail Marys and was held in the Gregorio Cebrián exhibition hall.

With this activity officially began the list of events in this municipality, organized by the Department of Women and Equal Opportunities, the Municipal Council of Equality, the women's associations of Totana and the Center for Specialized Care for Women Victims of Gender Violence (CAVI) of this locality.

The program is celebrated with the slogan "Let's rewrite a story without violence through Education" and has more activities that will continue throughout the month of November.

The program of activities organized in Totana to commemorate the International Day against Gender Violence, Foto 1

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