The program of activities to commemorate the 25-N, International Day against Gender Violence begins today in Totana


It has about twenty events

The list of activities is organized by the Department of Women and Equal Opportunities and the Center for Specialized Care for Women Victims of Gender Violence (CAVI)

Totana today begins the program of activities for the commemoration of the International Day against Gender Violence, which is held every year on November 25, and is organized by the Department of Women and Equal Opportunities and the Center for Specialized Care for Women Victims of Gender Violence (CAVI) of this locality.

The councilor of the branch, Eulalia Moreno, has presented the list of events held throughout the month of November, and has the collaboration of the associations that make up the Municipal Council of Equality of Totana with the slogan "Let's rewrite a story without violence through Education ".

The program kicks off today, Tuesday, November 13, with the talk entitled "Machismo and psychological abuse in the classrooms" given by the lawyer Martina Sánchez Puerta, organized by the Association of Housewives Three Hail Marys (Gregorio Cebrián exhibition room; 00 hours).

In the week of November 18 to 26, the City Council will proceed with the lighting of the main town hall façade and display of the lilac banner with symbols against gender violence.

From November 19 to 25, there will be an exhibition of photographs against gender violence in Secondary Education centers in Totana and a loan of photographs from the Women's Federation of Lorca (Gregorio Cebrián exhibition hall).

On Saturday the 17th will be the Mass at the Convent of the Three Hail Marys (6:00 p.m.), organized by the Association of Housewives Three Hail Marys and subsequent snack;

and on Monday 19 will take place the talk under the title "Healthy relationships utopia or reality ?, organized by the CAVI and taught by the psychologist of this entity, Catalina Vidal (exhibition room Gregorio Cebrián, 20:00 hours).

In addition, on Tuesday 20 will take place the talk by the Director General of SEF, Severa González, on "Protocol of socio-labor insertion for women victims of gender violence", organized by the Association of Housewives Three Hail Marys (exhibition hall Gregorio Cebrián, 8:00 pm).

On Wednesday 21 will be held the talk "Gender violence in international political agendas, and national and regional", by the Secretary of Equality and Policies against Gender Violence PSRM-PSOE, Gloria Alarcón Avemarías (exhibition hall Gregorio Cebrián, 8:00 pm).

One of the main acts of the program will take place on Thursday, November 22, with the concentration and march against gender violence and reading of the institutional manifesto.

In this initiative, candles will be taken as a tribute to the victims of this year and will proceed to the distribution of lilac ties and symbolic cards, organized by the Sociocultural Association Totanera Woman (departure Plaza de la Constitución, 7:30 pm).

On Friday 23 will take place in the theater "Ginés Rosa" the activity "Realistic talks: Tales of always with a new look: Princesses of fairy tale", whose script is in charge of the students of the IES Prado Mayor and is directed by Eva Tudela (20 : 00 hours).

On Monday 26 will be offered the "Reading Animation Workshop: Story with Elders", which will read stories in favor of equality, freedom to choose and the daily heroism of women (municipal library "Mateo García "; 5:30 p.m.)

That same day, at 8:00 pm, the reading of texts by struggling and transgressing writers will be celebrated, with the collaboration of the National Library of Spain and the need to give visibility to great writers who showed their disagreement with intellectual insubordination at different times (municipal library "Mateo García", 5:30 p.m.).

On Saturday the 24th Athletics Club of Totana has organized a "Stay against the violence of g, at 9:00 am, at the Municipal Sports Center" December 6. On Sunday 25 will be held the Heritage RED Day whose roundtable will discuss "Rural women as guarantor for the conservation of heritage in their territory" (Punto Violeta Carpa del Ayuntamiento, Plaza de la Balsa Vieja, from 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 a.m.).

On November 27 and 29 the Women's Self Defense Workshop will be held, taught by the instructor entitled Aikido and Personal Defense by the Higher Sports Council, José Valero Molino (School Room, from 7:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. ).

During these weeks there will also be Workshops on Sensitization and Prevention of Gender Violence in Adolescents in Totana Secondary Education centers that will teach CAVI technicians and other training activities for the beneficiaries of the "El Candil" Colectivo programs.

These workshops given by "El Candil" will take place in the Social Center of San Roque, in the social classrooms of "El Parral" and "Era Alta";

and in them a creative workshop against gender violence, the storyteller "Arturo and Clementina" (21, 22 and 23 November from 16:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.-) and the workshop on equality of opportunities and perspective of gender (two talks given by the CAVI with participatory dynamics -30 November).

The councilor thanked the associations involved for their collaboration, as well as the technicians of the CAVI and the own Council;

and stressed that the associative fabric of the Municipal Council of Equality is being renewed.

It also announced that it will place a lilac point of information to prevent sexual aggression on the occasion of the festivities and highlighted the positive evolution and balance that has had this program of activities in the last four years and the participation of the social fabric of the municipality .

Finally, she informed that since the service of the CAVI in Totana was launched in 2011, more than 500 cases of sexist violence had to be attended to, with an average of between 30 and 40 cases each year;

and stated that there is no concrete specific profile, since the range of the victim population is very broad, according to the minister.

The program of activities to commemorate the 25-N, International Day against Gender Violence begins today in Totana, Foto 1

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