Michi, Club Athletics Totana, runner-up in the popular race Manos Unidas de Murcia


The morning of Sunday, November 11, took place the seventh edition of the charity race organized by Manos Unidas in Murcia with the aim of raising funds for the construction of a boarding school for tribal girls in Gatta, India.

Miguel Ãngel del Vals "Michi", represented the CAT in the 5 km modality.

Finished in the second position of the general, of between 128 athletes, and first in the category Veteran B male with a chrono of 17 minutes and 35 seconds at a rate of 3 minutes and 33 seconds the km, and only 5 seconds of the first classified .

Murcia ran again for Manos Unidas

Solidarity was once again the driving force behind the VII Manos Unidas Popular Race.

The Plaza de la Cruz Roja hosted this Sunday the start and finish of the tests, which in the absolute section gave the option to complete approximately 5 or 10km., Then starting the children's appointments.

All this, organized by the aforementioned NGO with the collaboration of the Department of Sports of the Hon.

Murcia City Council and the FAMU, in all cases earmarking the funds raised for the construction of a boarding school for tribal girls in Gatta, India.

The absolute triumph in those 10km., By the masculine side, corresponded to the athlete of Rajaos Runners Alcantarilla Joaquín López, 1st veteran A with a time of 33:32, ahead of Francisco Jesús Franco, of Inassa Premium, winner in veterans B culminating in 34:16.

3º in goal and 2º veteran B finished Francisco Páez, of the Association Victims of the Terrorism of the Civil Guard, ending in 36:13.

In the feminine section the quickest one was the athlete of the Sports Club Alquerías María Cánovas, 1st veteran C at 44:30, followed by the 2nd in that category Isabel Pérez, from Soterravías, in 46:12, as well as from the 1st veteran B María José Plaza, who stopped the clock at 47:02.

As for the distance of approximately 5km, the victory in men went to Alejandro Pardo, 1st senior (17:40) ahead of Miguel Ãngel Del Vals, of CA Totana, 1st veteran B (17:45) and of the 2nd veteran B David Cremades (18:01).

In females won the athlete of Bitec Tri Impulse Cristina Moreno, 1st senior (17:59) followed by the athlete of the UCAM Athleo Cieza Maria Abad, 1st promise (21:51) and the athlete Alcaraz Group María Illán, 2nd senior ( 23:32).

Michi, Club Athletics Totana, runner-up in the popular race Manos Unidas de Murcia, Foto 1
Michi, Club Athletics Totana, runner-up in the popular race Manos Unidas de Murcia, Foto 2
Michi, Club Athletics Totana, runner-up in the popular race Manos Unidas de Murcia, Foto 3
Michi, Club Athletics Totana, runner-up in the popular race Manos Unidas de Murcia, Foto 4

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