They will propose declaring Totana as a Municipality Free from Gender Violence


Coinciding with the commemoration of 25N, International Day against Violence against Women

The three municipal political groups and the non-attached mayor of the Municipal Corporation of the City of Totana will raise a joint motion to declare Totana as a Municipality Free of Gender Violence coinciding with the commemoration of 25N, International Day against Violence against Women.

In addition, the joint proposal agreed to carry out various awareness activities in a coordinated manner with the Municipal Equality Council;

and to reinforce the economic and human resources destined to the development of active, comprehensive and participatory equality policies, insofar as possible, for the achievement of a society free of gender violence, paying special attention to women in a situation of special vulnerability.

Likewise, the motion includes developing policies aimed at the abolition of prostitution, as an extreme form of gender violence.

In this sense, it is advocated to implement active policies to eradicate all forms related to sexual exploitation, with special attention to publicity ordinances and all those that directly or indirectly allow or facilitate the development of activities aimed at exploitation.

It also aims to eliminate discriminatory or denigrating publicity of women, either from supports, publications or public transport (bus shelters, taxis, guides, or tourist information, among others), or by contracting with private means that maintain or enhance it.

The Municipal Corporation wants to implement complementary school activities with proposals that promote non-sexist values ​​contrary to any type of discrimination, as well as require the Government to create a Framework Law against Male Violence.

The same proposal requires the implementation of an economic remuneration for those women who do not work, for a time, away from home to dedicate themselves to the care of the children, so that this salary adds a contribution to a future pension. retirement.

Finally, the totaneros corporations demand the Government of the Nation to incorporate into the curriculum specific training in equality, affective-sexual education and prevention of gender violence in all educational stages.


One more year, from the City Council of TOTANA we join the call of the United Nations to commemorate the 25th of November as International Day for the Elimination of Violence against women, and we reaffirm our firm permanent commitment to reject gender violence, and our obligation to work to achieve its eradication.

We are convinced that zero tolerance for violence against women must be a value and as such defended by society as a whole.

More than 900 women have been murdered in Spain by their partners or former partners since 2003, date that marks the beginning of the collection of official data.

Gender violence is a violence that is directed against women because they are so when they are considered by their aggressors as persons lacking the rights, freedom, respect and capacity for decision.

It is a form of terrorism to which the public should respond and not remain impassive.

It is a terrible social scourge that all of us must face, as well as offer our support to the victims so that they can denounce.

We believe and defend equality between women and men as a fundamental principle and our commitment against gender violence is firm.

For what we consider that, after the approval of the Organic Law of Integral Protection Measures against Gender Violence, which was a revulsive against gender violence in all its aspects, and is an international model for prevention, protection , persecution and punishment of gender violence;

We have to move forward, take a step forward.

A decent society requires moving towards a safe society free of gender violence, which guarantees a quick and effective response to women who suffer violence, as well as their children, generating and offering the necessary mechanisms to achieve it.

In the first place, it is necessary to sufficiently allocate the budgetary items, especially the resources destined to the prevention and to the social and psychological assistance of the victims of gender violence, dependent both on the Autonomous Communities and on the local services of the Town Councils.

It is necessary, therefore, to create a specific fund to support City Councils to reinforce the public services network, promoting the role played and should continue to perform municipal social services, Women's centers and municipal equality points.

Secondly, it is necessary to provide sufficient resources to guarantee the effectiveness of the Administration of Justice.

All studies indicate that complaints of gender violence do not increase.

They barely reach 30%, so 70% go unpunished.

We must fight against this impunity so that the victims have confidence in Justice and feel protected and that they do not fear losing their sons and daughters.

Let the women stop being those who have to abandon their life, their house, the school of their children, to be able to protect themselves in a shelter.

We must get to be the aggressors, the abusers who lose everything.

Likewise, we believe in the need to implement in the Courts Specialized in Gender Violence, Customized Judicial Accompaniment, to make information accessible to women victims of gender violence on the most secure itinerary and procedure in their judicial journey, from the moment in which they file the complaint until the end of the process.

Each withdrawal is a success of the abuser in his strategy of fear, coercion, threat.

In the third place, and based on the knowledge that gender violence is a complex phenomenon, those who confront him professionally must be specialized people and have received a complete, rigorous and specific training in the subject;

taught by an accredited institution;

and prior to occupying his post, both of the magistrates at the forefront of a specialized jurisdictional body, and of lawyers, forensic experts and psychosocial teams that intervene in specialized courts of gender violence.

Since we know that there are flaws in the perception of risk and in psychosocial reports and that, on numerous occasions, women are revictimized.

Education is another of our concerns.

If we do not break the cycle, gender violence will pass from generation to generation, so it is a matter of agreement both in the National Plan for Sensitization and Prevention of Gender-based Violence and in the Comprehensive Plan to prevent, protect and repair the harm to child victims. of gender violence: incorporation into the curriculum in all educational stages, specific training in Equality, equal values, affective-sexual education and prevention of gender violence, as well as teacher training.

With this Manifesto, we also want to remember each and every one of the victims of gender violence: women with names and surnames, with a life ahead, a life that has been taken away by cruel and inadmissible violence;

and the minors, victims in turn of this violence, by what they witness, by what they live and suffer, by the lack of protection they suffer when they kill their mother and because, in many cases, they end up with their own lives.

They will propose declaring Totana as a Municipality Free from Gender Violence, Foto 1

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