It is agreed to establish the working day of municipal employees at a rate of 35 hours per week in annual computation


The Local Government Board has recently agreed to the proposal of the Councilor for Human Resources, Gertrudis Ruiz, to establish a general working day in municipal offices, at a rate of 35 hours per week in annual computation, that is, one in which the public employee performs the functions of his job in the municipal cited.

In addition, it has been approved, in this sense, to establish the working day equal to that established by the State for personnel at the service of the General State Administration and its public agencies.

The Law 6/2018 of the General Budgets of the State establishes that the working day in the public sector will be computed in annual amount and will mean a weekly average of thirty-seven and a half hours, without prejudice to the existing special days.

However, each Public Administration may establish in its work schedules, after collective bargaining, other days than the one established.

At the General Negotiating Table held on July 16, the Human Resources councilor already announced to the union representatives the acceptance by the municipal government of the proposal of the 35-hour day and the recovery of the 100% payment of the retributions in case of Temporary Work Disability (ILT).

At the meeting of the General Committee held on September 20, the minutes of the previous session were definitively approved and the proposal submitted to the competent body for approval.

It is agreed to establish the working day of municipal employees at a rate of 35 hours per week in annual computation, Foto 1

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