The mayor accuses of "institutional disloyalty" the gesture of the general director of Water to visit the works of renovation of the La Ñorica deposit pipe and not to communicate it to this Mayor's office or to the municipal officials


On the contrary, deputies did attend regional parties of the PP and Citizens in the regional Assembly;

and no representative of the municipal government, to whom they assured that the visit would be held another day |

The mayor of Totana, Andrés García Cánovas, has accused of "institutional disloyalty" the general director of Water, Sebastián Delgado Amaro, who visited yesterday afternoon, along with regional deputies of the PP and Citizens in the Assembly, the works of renovation of the La Ñorica deposit pipe without even communicating it, formally, to this Mayor's Office or to any representative of the municipal government, as always when a representative of the regional government visits this municipality.

This City Hall regretted that it had to be informed by the media of the celebration of this institutional visit, even more so when it was suspended last week despite being scheduled for a problem on the CEO's own agenda and in the Same day yesterday had been communicated to the Mayor from his department that it would not be held yesterday, being called another day later that the joint agenda would allow.

The mayor has denounced that, on the contrary, deputies from different political parties in the regional Assembly were aware of the visit and representatives of Totana political parties that are not in the municipal government were informed and attended;

what he has considered "an unacceptable lack of respect".

Andrés García regretted that "the director general came exclusively to take a picture of a work financed by the Autonomous Community, but that has had the technical and political collaboration of the Department of Water and Sewerage totanero Consistory during the procedure and execution".

From the City Council criticize the gesture of the member of the regional government and the regional government as a whole, whose strategy is being in this and other municipalities obviate the legitimate representatives of the people and meet with members of the ruling party in the Autonomous Community "without respect the most elementary norms of courtesy and institutional loyalty that citizens demand and institutions require. "

García Cánovas emphasizes that he expects the regional government to act, in the future, despite being an electoral year, within the framework of "loyalty" that is supposed to exist between both administrations, fleeing from "partisan political interests";

and added that "this attitude of trying to bypass the mayor, as maximum and legitimate representative of the residents of Totana, and members of the municipal government of Totana does not seem to be the most appropriate by a member of the regional government."

The mayor recalled that "this is not the first time that this circumstance occurs in this legislature, because the previous government delegate and then counselor of Development-made a maneuver similar to the previous mayor Juan José Cánovas-, and the former counselor of Agriculture and Water also visited Totana to meet with the Community of Irrigators without notifying the City Council. "

In this sense, the mayor of Totana advocates "as has happened in previous legislatures, to maintain the collaboration and loyal and constructive work between both administrations."

The mayor accuses of "institutional disloyalty" the gesture of the general director of Water to visit the works of renovation of the La Ñorica deposit pipe and not to communicate it to this Mayor's office or to the municipal officials, Foto 1

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